chapter 45

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start of the chapter i want to inform you that this is my  first time writing like a concert down so i don't realy knew how to write it down ? but i tried anyway  so there will be song from like olivia rodrigo etc that the songs are from there band. i hope you like it now let's start read the chapter

Charlie pov:

i don't want to be here, i'm nerves, and worst thing i want nick to be here , i want to hug him i want him to tell me everthing is going to be alright but i can't feel like that not after what tao and elle told me, god how could i date someone like that, someone who hurted people like that dous he have a heart? or his heart is made of stone, but when i broked up with him he looked so sad, or maybe  i imagined it in my head?to feel better after the break up? i don't know and now i have this stupid concert which i hope that nick is going to be there but at then same time i don't want him to be there in the crowd,and plus andrew is acting so weird since the postman came yesterday like weird weird, he's lways spaced out and when i ask him if he's okay he just answear that he's okay  which i know is a lie and it's annoying me that he won't tell me what happened down there maybe dad turn up again?or...............                                                                                             no he couldn't, or maybe it was him? but why now? after almost a month? no stop charlie stop being delulued "charlie?" somebody put a hand in my shoulders i jumped i was so much in my thought i didn't  even realised it i turn to look  at the person who it was "hi ben" i say he smiles and he got a little red he rub his neck, nick was doing that when  he was nerves or stressed about something "um hi sorry you out?" he say oh yeah i nodded and looked outside "oh yeah sorry i'm just nerves"i said he walked next to me  "oh yeah why?" he ask "i don't know....." i start to say but then i fell ben taking my hand in his and i hate it, nick's hand feel way better,his hand felt like  our hand belong together, and with ben it feels wrong i look at him and he was smiling at me his eyes went to my lips                                                                                     oh heck no                                                                                                                                                                                 i drop his hand "sorry" he said and looked down i didn't said anything because if i say yes it's okay he will get  the wrong signals "anyway so what i was saying i never preformed on stage, like okay i'm the head boy and i had a speach what i need to do infront of the whole school, but this is different?" i say ben nodded  i look at the time 4:55pm                                                                               oh fuck no                                                                                                                                                                                   "charlie boy are you ready?" say andrew behind me i turn to look at him and shake my head and while andrew came ben walked away thank god,and that god tht andrew came  i turn to look at him   "no i'm not i feel like i'm going to throw up" i said andrew put his hands on my shoulder "take a deep breath everything is going to be alright" say andrew  i can't, i can't take a deep breath, and andrew notice it he put his hand on my chest and he take my hand so he can put it on his chest "breath with me" he says and he take a deep breath   and i did to we did this a few times until my breat was better "w-what happened to me?" i asked andrew chuckled and put his hand in his pockets he look at me realising that i really didn't know "charlie you had a panic attack" say andrew  i froze, the last time a had panic attack a few years ago when mom  and dad were arguing a lot and sometimes i had panic attacks, last time i had a panic attack it was 2 summer ago and it was the worst panic attack i ever had and then now just randomly, okay it's normal in situations like this                                                                                                                                                sahar came to us "two minutes" said sahar signaling andrew to go away we nodded "good luck bro" say andrew and walk away from us i sighed and looked at sahar she noticed that i'm nerves as fuck "you okay charlie?" she asked i nodded "yeah just..........nerves?" i said a little embaressed and i don't know why i lookup at her when  she chuckled "i know that feeling, i been there too" say sahar i know she was in band before she made her own band with becky and  ben and later i joined but she never talk about her   first    band  i heard from rumors from  becky, but you rumors sometimes are not true, and those rumors can destroy other  person's life and those things would never be forgoten ever in there life  it will always be there in there head like a bad memory  and nothing like nothing could get that away   "charlie" say sahar pulling me away from  thought which i don't even know why i thought about it "yeah" i said she is just staring at me not saying anything "yeah?" i said again "tell me story you want to preform tonight" said sahar i looked at her confused not knowing what does she want from me "um what?"i said agin she smiled not juging me for not understand what she wanted with it "a song that you want to preform like not ours from like lana del ray etc" she said oh i understand what she want "umm" i said and thinking about a song from taylor because she'sthe best artist and       she's the music industries sorry not sorry, there is song that i like no not like or love but obbsessd whit and it's from my favorite album midnights "could we play" i whispered to her ears   she smiled and nodded "yes we can do it" she say  "now the queer perks coming on  the stage"  said a men to the microfon "well it's our time to shine" say sahar and chuckles  but i'm not ready i start to shake  but becky put her hand on my sholder which calmed my down me down a little bit ben walk to us too the band is here i can't belive that it the day came we been practising for three weeks it is bad that i want to go back when we had our first practise oh wait no............ not that day okay then nothing sahar look at us and smile at us "thank you guys for being here tonight it mean a lot to me, thanks for making dream come true, thank you guys and i want to say that i love you guys so much you guys became my family by choice, and now let's go there and let's have the time of our lifes" say sahar and we cheared she turn around and look outside the light are still on, our concert is going to be the biggest so the said that we can have a cool entering which is a dream come true the little inside me is jumping from joy  but outside the teen is anxious as fuck a take a deep breath maybe i'm going to like it i smile sahar looked at me and i nodded she nodded back and looked to the lighter guy and signal him that we are ready  and then the light  went down and we ran to our thing me to my drums ben to his piano and becky stayed there   the song start to play it's called vampire     sahar wroted it when we were practising  two weeks ago and we really liked it so we decided to start the concert whit this song   ben started to play on his piano and after a few sencond the light turn on where sahar is standing and where is ben standing  sahar start to sing  her voice is so beutiful   she's  100% going to be a famous singer    and on eday i'm going to scream on her concert that that's my friends and wheneveri'm going to see a poster with her face i'm going to send it to her as a supportive friends would do                                                                                                                       

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