chapter 48

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suprise suprise, i know i said there will be no update today but i wrotethis chapter down in february (29.2.24)so i can post today too:))

nick pov:

in the past few weeks on fridays i been going home and play mario kart or look at the photos with charlie but not this time, for some fucking reason i'm in a shopping mall with andrew, he is that we have to keep it a secret, this morning  he texted me if we can meet up here to hang out, he said charlie is at work, so he can go out "why the fuck are we here again?" i asked andrew who was walking somewhere and i'm just following him like a lost puppy he didn't answer great so i won't learn great yeah maybe he  take my behind the wall and he kill me great yeah, i want to die at 18, yeah "are you taking me somewhere to kill me?" i  ask  andrew laugh "no idot,if i wanted to kill you i could do it yesterday" he says i let out a breath which i didn't knew i was healding in "and honestly i wanted to kill you  a week ago when you came over" he says i nodded fair enough, we stayed silent then he speak up "and i'm taking you so someone can kill you,i don't want to go to prison" he says i stop now i don't know if he's joking or not he laughs i nod and start to walk again    "don't worry we are gona meet someone" say andrew i stopped "he stopped to and looked at me "no, not charlie but.......addison" say andrew i nodded but still scared "but .........why?" i ask andrew looked at me confused "well she's my girlfriend and plus she want  charlie too, she noticed it too that he's sad without you" he says i nodded we keep walking "okay so i should tell her?" andrew nods   "how? and when?" "she's gonna be her in five minutes" five minutes, five minutes?!? are you kidding me!? just five minutes "so here's the plan we are meeting up in a sushi restaurant, i told her we are gonna have a date, so     you're gonna wait around five minutes then  you come to us" he says then his eyes widen and he smirks and oh no it's gonna be something really smart or something really stop, probably really stupid like always he looked at me and put his hand on my shoulders "what if we are gonna call and when i saw "i want you to talk to someone" and then you come out!!" he says  and started jumping, i can't help but think to myself if andrew drink alcohol before we met up ,or eat too much candy,or he's just an idiot,okay sorry, you clearly can see that i don't want to be here "umm but how can i know when are you gonna say it?" i ask and then andrew smirked and took out this airpods "we are going to call nicholas" he says  sighed i hope  this plan works out, i take my airpods out too "let's do it"  i say me and andrew do our handshake "so we have like 3 minutes so are gonna wait there" he point somewhere it's out of the restaurant " addi  can't see you there" i nod "so when she arrives we are gonna talk for a few minutes-" i cut him off "please don't be 1 hour" i say andrew roll his eyes "I'm not you and charlie!" he says "oi it was one time!" i says "yeah and you guys made me wait 2 hours infront of  that fucking cinema, because you were too busy making out!"he says  i don't reply back, what happened a few days before our broke up  me, charlie and andrew were supposed to go i look down and andrew realise what he said "i'm sorry nick, we are gonna help you, you guys gonna get back together i promise!" he says i nodded "and what if doesn't work out? what if he doesn't love me anymore?" i asked "he still loves you, trust me nick" he says then he looks at his phone "she's here" he says i nodded i turn my headphones on and andrew  walked inside of the restaurant i take my phone out and search for andrew number na di press the call button  

andrew pov:

ever second feel like years, my heart pounds like a drums,was this a good idea? we could make it work just me and nick,but then addi would be mad at me,because i didn't told her, i look around no addi yet i feel my phone buzzing i pick it up and i see 'Nickito' written on my screen i smirk "sup" i say after i picked up the phone  i hear nick taking a deep breath "do we need to do this?" he ask "oh yes nicholas we need to"i say "fine" he say i look at him and smirk  "damn you have a good ass, i understand why my brother liked that ass of yours" i teased he turn around and looked at me  he showed me his middle finger i laugh then he turn back "asshole" he say i laugh more "aww little nicky is hurt" i say "shut up your girlfriend  is coming" he says i take a deep breath and i see addison walk in and wow she look's beautiful poor thing this is not a real date i mean damn, no andrew boy snap out of this, we are here to help charlie, i look at her and smile she smiles back, ahh that's the smile i fell in love with i stood up and hug her "hi babe" i say after i pull away "hi andrew" she say and sit down i do the same thing i stare at her, go this woman is son beautiful, in a few month i'm gonna have to leave her for uni, which broke my heart,no andrew snap out of it "so why is this random date andrew?" ask addison "umm" i look at nick who is staring at us i open my mouth to skip but addi cut me off "sorry andrew but sushi restaurant when you hate sushi" she says "she's right mate, you could choose somewhere where is not so obvious that you want a talk" says nick from my headphones  i take a deep breath, my heart beat so fast i can pass out addi notice it too "are you okay andrew? did something happened?did you not got into any uni you wanted to? did something happened to charlie?" she ask i shake my head  nerves "no, nothing from it-" i say Addison nods "should i be worried?" as addi i shake my head "no....." okay andrew you need to say it, be a big boy i take a deep breath "nothing happened........i n-need-er- to talk to y-you"

nick pov:

"someone need to talk to you" i say andrew look at me i saw and heard that he can't handle it so i came here to make it easier for him  and addison froze  slowly she looks up at me and when she saw that it was me she widen her eyes she looked at at andrew the at me agai and at andrew "what the fuck andrew?!" she says and look at me again confuse and at andrew, he looks at me and let out a breath what he was holding in "thanks mate, i couldn't do it! this  shit was so stressful" he says i grin and sat down next to him addison looked at us confused again "what the fuck is happening here?" she ask us andrew looked at me "we should bet on her reaction, i would won" he whisper to me i look at him he gave the sign "okay i focus" he says and looka at his girlfriend again who poor girl was  so confused about what is happening here "can you two explain it to me?" she ask us we look at her and andrew laugh "you know babe we hooked up the other night sorry darling" he says and put his arms around my shoulder   i slap his arms " mate are you fucking kidding me, be fucking real " i say he looks at me hurt "so this is how you treat me" he says i roll my eyes "okay let's be for real, okay long story short, we had a project together, we talked, had a bromance"i slap him gain into his arms "ow you see what is he doing to me?!" he says "you deserved it and for real , tell me or i stand up and go away"she says, bad bitch,i thing to myself "okay he can't be real now so, we had a talk yesterday and i want to explain it to you too" i say "you want to explain how you hurted,and used charlie no thanks i think i know enough" she says i ignore her comment "you saw the video right?" i ask she looks at me and nodded slowly "yeah" she says i nodded "it wasn't about him" i says addison looks at me for a few seconds and the she burst off laughing "oh god, fuck,this was a good joke.........okay and the what the fuck is whit that outfit, it was the same as we went to that fucking party"she says and she keep laughing i looked at andrew and he shrugs "addi it's true" he says she stop laughing and look at andrew "you kidding me? you believe him after what he did to charlie?" She says andrew looked at me i sigh take my phone out and show her the video what i showed andrew yesterday "i say this video why are you showing it to me" she ask and look at me "just watch it addi" say andrew she looks at andrew and nods take my phone away and watch it 

when she finished watching it she looks at me "this doesn't doesn't prove anything" she says i nods and show the date the video was take "i can't hack it" i says she looks at me and nods she sat back "okay, explain yourself"she says andrew looks at me and smile it's starting to work "what did charlie told you?" i ask her "everything" she tells me and she cross his arms i nodded     "everything is true,i was using girls, i was bullying the weak one's yes everything is true expect one thing" i say and look at andrew "i was dating a boy called jack, he was best friends but then i became something romantic between us , at the time i already know i was bit, but i was afraid to tell anyone so we kept it a secret, a few days before summer holidays we were out and we kissed somebody saw us and took a photo of us,and showed it to my old schools  biggest asshole and he asked me it i was drunk and i lied and they filmed it" i says she nods"but the messages?" "he wanted to ruin my life , when he found the perfect opportunity he took it" i say "and-"

"are you fucking kidding me?!"  we froze, oh no,no, no,no,no ,no,NO we  looked behind us and there was standing charlie he was angry, and hurt i see tears in his eyes i stand up "charlie" i say he looked at me and take step he hold his finger up to me " fucking hate you!" he says andrew and addison stand up too charlie look at them i thought you are on my side" his voice break he shake his head and walk away we walk after him "charlie please let us explain"say andrew as we are out of the restaurant charlie stop and look at us "explain that you meet up with my ex when you know damn well what he did to me" he says while sobbing i want to hig him this is my chance fuck it i step ahead "charlie let me explain-" i start to say but he cut me off "what nick that you was just dating me just for fun?! yeah nick i want to hear like all of the fucking i love you's was fucking fake" he says  he was all red from anger  " god charlie..........i love you charlie! can't you just hear me out! please char!"i said and my voice break "no! and don't char me! ugh_ i wish i never met! i would have a better life without you!" he says i froze and tear came out from my eyes charlie look at andrew and addison who was behind me  "i thought....." he stoped and walked away  and that's when i broke down on my knees  and cried i put my head in my hands and let it out,"no charlie stop!" say andrew and run after him but addison catch his wrist "no andrew let him walk away" and he stops he pit his hand on his head "what the fuck" he says "WHAT THE FUCK!?" he says out loud "i thought he was at work!" i say between sobs he looks at me "i thought that too?!" he says after a few minutes we calmed down we went back to the restaurant we sat back down "now what?" i ask they shake there head "i honestly  don't know" said andrew i looked at him and then addison who don't know too i nodded and we just stayed there in silence not talking what happened? is this it?am I able to tell everything to Charlie?

in every universe (nick and Charlie storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora