chapter 27

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Tw:end of the chapter

Andrew pov:
I haven't heard from Charlie for more then hour so I decided to go and talk to him
I can't believe that Julio could do this to Charlie
I stand up from my bed and opened the door and walked to Charlies bedroom
I knocked on it
"Charlie do you want to play mario cart" I said
Nothing he didn't said anything
I knocked again
"Charlie can you open the door" I said this time Charlie answered
"No" he said but his voice was lifeless I froze
The i tried to open his door but it was locked "Charlie! Open the door or I'm going to broke the door I'm not joking Charles please!" I said I started to sob "no you won't" he whispers almost could't heard it
I'm hopeless the only person who can help me is nick
I run to my room took my phone and punched Nick's number in

Nick pov:
I was doing my homework in my room when I heard my phone ring I picked my phone up from my table and saw that Andrew was
I picked it up

"Hello?" I said "nick? Thank god you picked it up" said Andrew I could hear that he was crying "Andrew, are you okay?" I said
He sobbed "I'm okay but Charlie......" He said I froze I stand up and walked down to the door way "what happened?" I said
"Charlie he-um- won't open the door I think that he hurt himself" he said and started crying "Andrew just wait 5 minutes and I'm there"I said and ended the call
I took the keys from my moms car amd I drove to Charlies house it took my just 2 minutes
When I arrived I went out of the car and run to the door and knocked
A few second later Andrew opened it
"Thank god you are here" said Andrew I went inside "so what exactly happend?" I said "I'm going to explain it later but now we need to Charlie opened the door you go and try it and I bring the bandage" said Andrew I and I run to Charlies door
I don't understand Charlie never said that he was self harming he seemed to be okay he had a good life
But maybe not
I knocked on the door "Charlie? It nick here"
I said nothing I knocked again "Charlie can you open the door" I said while Andrew came behind me with a first aid kit
"No I can't" said Charlie from behind the door I sighed from relive he's alive but his voice was dead "I know char I know but you have to try it" I said it was silence "I'm sorry nick" he said "okay char is there something that I can open the door a key?" I said
"I try to stand up" he said "okay okay Charlie thank you"I said a few seconds later I heard the door opening then then we heard that somebody fall
I quickly opened the door and there he was
My boyfriend was on the floor blood coming from his wrist and he tryed to stand up again I sit up next to him "no char" I said my voice broke I was close to cry but I can't
I can't do that to Charlie he's going to fell bad
I picked up Charlie and put him down to his bed I looked at Charlie he nodded and gave me the first aid kit
I take out the bandage "I'm sorry nick" said Charlie I shock my head "No Charlie it's not your fault" I said "it is my fault nick I'm weak faggot"said Charlie I looked at him I teared up "Charlie how can you say it? Who told you this? It's not true Mon amour" I said he giggled "since when do you speak French?" Said nick "well I'm french so I can speak fluently" I said Charlie looked at me surprised
"What?" I said "can you speak something" he said I nodded "je t'aime tellement mon beau petit ami, je t'aime jusqu'à la lune et Saturne" I said I saw that Charlie tried to sit up but can't I got the message I leaned down to give him a kick kiss
"What did you said" said Charlie after we pulled away "I love you so much my handsome boyfriend, I love you to the moon and Saturn"I said he giggled I looked at him confused  "what?" I said
Still Confused I was happy that the happy Charlie is back "are you fan of Taylor swift?" Said Charlie "uh no?" I said Charlie looked at my like I told him that his  mom died
He sat up "Nicholas nelson we are broking up get the fuck out of my room" said Charlie I looked at him confused "why are you broking up with me?" I said I know that he's just joking "Taylor swift is one of the best singer of the whole time, you didn't heard what happend with Taylor in 2009 VMAs? Fuck that piece of shit Kanye west" said Charlie I shock my head "sorry Charlie I don't know him" I said "okay not a problem but we have to lisent to all of his song oh you are going to love 'all to well' 10 minute version, like  Really nick? Taylor is us, her song is describing our realitionship!  Especially lover!! You need to lisent to her!" Yelled Charlie I laughed "okay Charlie we are going to lisent to her but now I need to bandage your wrist"I said he the looked down and laid down and nodded "can I see it?" I said he nodded and stick his arm to me I hold my breath there is so much scars and now all the time when he didn't wanted to take his  t-shirt  down now I understand I looked at him and smiled "you are so beautiful" I said honestly  he shrugged "drop that shit nick" said Charlie I stoped it he's beautiful in my eyes he's perfect to me and I love him
I bandage his wrist "okay all done" I said he sat up I looked at him "what nick?" said Charlie I sighed and took his hand "Charlie what happend? why didn't you told me?
Please Charlie talk to me I want to help you" I said he looked down I'm scared "that you are going to look at me differently" said Charlie
"Charlie there is nothing you could do that I could look at you differently I love you like you are my boyfriend and I love you Charlie and I'm going to say this to you forever" I said Charlie teared up he took a deep breath and started to talk  "it started when we were younger,Tori was living with us dad started acting really weirdly everything was problem even the little thing like I left something in MY room or Tori left her pencil in kitchen he started yelling at us-" "and Andrew?" I said "Andrew was his little angel
So anyway after a time dad started hitting us mostly mom and last summer........they wanted to get divorced dad even moved out for a week everything was good until dad decided to come home and then all of argument and yelling started and then dad found out that mom had somebody like a boyfriend and then everything got down
Mom and dad was never with us and when they were, dad was trying to get us on his side but I wasn't and at the time Tori moved out to live with Micheal at age of 18 she wasn't living with us-" I cut Charlie off "wait how old is Tori?" I said "Tori is now 20" "wait Andrew is 18 " "tori is 16 months older then andrew "  " and how old is Micheal?" I asked "Micheal is now 21 his  parent are rich so he could buy an apartment in Kent" said Charlie  "okay I'm sorry keep going with your story" I said Charlie took a deep breath I took his hand and squeeze it 3 times 'i love you' that's our secret code when we are holding hand
"So then after a few month of arguing mom and dad started to act like a perfect married couple like nothing has happened for the past few years but you know me and Tori were children only and Andrew was dad's little angel, and after Tori left I got depressed
And I started to self-harm and once I almost cut too deep" he said and Burst out crying and I froze
Charlie almost............
I wrap my arms around him and whispers sweet things into his ears
Then there was a knock on the door
And then it opened
It revealed Andrew
"Hi mom called me that she had to go out to think so it going to be me and you tonight, nick if you want to stay you can
Just tommorow you have to stop at your house to grab your things for school" said Andrew I nodded
"Thanks Andrew" I said then and looked at Charlie
"Is everything okay now?" He asked "yes" I said then I let go of Charlie and stand up
"I'm going to call my mom, be right back" I said then walked out with Andrew
I closed Charlies door and turned to look at Andrew
"Is he okay?" He said "he's going to be okay
He's just tired" I said we stayed silent for a few seconds then I broke it "Charlie told me what happend with you guys" I said Andrew looked down "I'm not proud of my dad how he was acting with me and how was he acting with Tori and Charlie, if I had a brain to stood up against dad maybe everything would be different, and Tori should live with us " said Andrew "are you okay" I asked Andrew he looked up at me like no one had ever asked him that question
"I'm okay but now we have to worry about Charlie he  hasn't self-harm since  like January" said Andrew "did he told you about his anorexia?" Said Andrew again  I looked at him in shock "w-wha no he didn't" i said "yeah he had it for years but he's okay now he got the help he needed but it was really bad last year when that everything happend with our parents" said Andrew
"So that's why he's skipping some meals" I said Andrew nodded "okay now this evening was super emotional now you go and call your mom and if you can stay here then we are going to order a pizza and we are going to have good evening" said Andrew I nodded Andrew went to his room and I went to call my mom
She picked it up after a few rings
"Hi Nicky" said my mom from the other side of the phone "hi mom" I said "what happened Nicky?" Said my mom I think my mom noticed that something is wrong in my voice "nothing I'm just a little emotional, can I stay in Charlies house tonight" I said
"Okay you can stay, I'm going to bring your things to Charlie's house can you tell Charlie that I love him?" Said my mom I smiled I'm so happy tha my mom loves my future hus- my boyfriend
"Yeah mum see you soon bye bye" I said and then I ended the call and went back to  Charlies room
"Took you long enough" said Charlie "I'm sorry I was talking with andre before I talked with my mom and she's telling you that she loves you" I said I see that Charlie smile too
"Wow your mom loves me wow I must be a good boy to his son" said Charlie I smirked
"You were a good boy to me char" I said Charlie looked at me "oh sorry I wasn't talking about you I was talking David sorry nick" he said I looked at him  with 'are you serious' look he laughed I sat down next to him and tickled him "ah nick s-stop" he said while he was laughing "no until you apologize" I said trying to hold my laugh back "never! Ah-nick-im going to pee my pant If you don't stop" he said and I stopped he slapped my arm "asshole" I said and laughed then wes topped and looked at eachother eyes 

then we heard the door bell ring i sighed "mom is here" i said then  went down 

we were chating for a few minutes and then she had to go becaus she hd plans too 

and our whole nigh wew were watching bones and playing videogames 

Tw:blood, Menton of ed, Menton of childhood trauma, sh

hi guys so i made  playlist to this story

Here's the link

thamk you for reading thi chapter and thank you for reading my story im so gratful rhat i csn write this crazy story down here 

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thamk you for reading thi chapter and thank you for reading my story im so gratful rhat i csn write this crazy story down here 

i started to write down this story last year in october so  now  its  officialy first birthday for in every universe:))))))))))

in every universe (nick and Charlie storyWhere stories live. Discover now