chapter 38

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charlie  pov:

 i'm running as fast as i can, afraid that if i stop that would be my breaking point so i just run  i don't know where i'm going but my legs is taking me somewhere to a place where is my second home my second family the place where i went when i was younger and my parent were arguing now here i'm again but not because of my parent but because of my shitty ex boyfriends god, it break my heart when i call him that                                                                                                               
 i stopped running trying to get air and i just scream let my pain  away , it always helps me "fuck" i said to myself i looked up and i was in front of addi'shouse where she and andrew is supposed to be  i walked to the door and knocked on it after a few seconds somebody opened it it was msr.newman or better Alice newman addison's mother she looked at me "hi charlie, are you okay?why are you soaked?" she asked me i look down then i look behind i didn't noticed that    it's    raining i look back at her and smiled "didn't noticed" i said trying to keep my voice normal but it breaked at the end she looked at me worried she noticed "did something happened at home?did your father came back?" she asked i shocked my head "just having a bad day, is addi and andrew here?" i asked she nodded and let me in " do you need new clothes you must be really cold charlie" she asked i shocked my head put my coat down "my hoddie is not wet" i smiled she nodded "there are in addison's please tell tem to keep the door a little open , since they told us tha they are together i keep asking her to keep her  door a little open but nooo" she said i laughed oh yeah other thnk that happened at christmas the happy couple finnaly told everybody that they are dating everybody was shocked at first they thought that they are joking but after time thez realised it that thez are reallz together they exepted it go up to addi's room i knock on her room i don't want to walk on them being really in love like kissing or worst..............  i hear some mumbleing   and then her door open her hair was messz her t shirt is backward i raised my eye brows "interupting something?" i asked she sighed in realife "no, what are you doing here?" she asked me i looked down and tears started forming in my eyes sho noticed it she pulled me in in her room and closed it i look at andrew who was on his mobile he had just jeans on he look at me and   sit up "what are doing here?" he asked "i-um-" adisson cut me off "are you okay" that question what always break me , this time too i just started crying they were just looking at me don't know what to do i never cried like this  they were just standing there i'm not blaming them i don't know what to do either how ca just stop felling like this, lie a fucking peac of shit who don't deserve love, or don't even deserve to be alive  they come up to me and hugged i sat now on the floor hugging them tighter like they re the only people left fot me maybe they really are the only people to   me ,then  addi started whispering something to my ears and after half an hour  calmed down "s-sorry" i said they didn't said anything "what happened?" asked addi knowing what are you okay' making me    do     "where is nick?" asked andrew tears forming in my tears again "we-um broke up" i said i chuckled "or better i broked up with him" i said my voice breaks and that's it for the first time out loud and it feels like shit and these word was the the words i never though i would say about nick       they look at me shocked "what! why?" asked andrew and i told them everything how on our first date  that harry guys started speaking  and nick running away from him then his brother when i went to meet his mother for the fisrt time and how he said that "you had girls in your arms all the time and now you are a loser "  and how i bring it up to him and he just snapped at me and then a few weeks later  that girl on the beach  how he didn't changed and again he walked away from her avoiding her  and then afew day later the messages and how i started getting them and today that we had a fight ending up him leaving but before that wishing he never met me and then the restaurant  how harry told me what i wanted to know for month and then that video how nick is telling them that he's just dating me for laugh and how i walked away from them and started shouting at hi and the how i broke up with him and   i ended up crying again and now that i'm thinking about th whole thing from the start it was too obivous god i i'm so so so so so  stupid i thought that somebody can love me  "oh" said addi i nodded "yep, you were right the whole time addi, i should  to be this invested in that realitioship with him " i said andrew looked at her she looked at him    then back at me with regret in her  eyes "i'm so sorry charlie god i feel so stupid now" she  said shocked my head "no please d-don't addi  this was all my fault thinking that somebody can love me" i said and chuckled which turn into sob  "i'm sorry i'm so so so sorry" i said burried my face in my hands andrew  hugged me again "don't say that i love you charlie, addi love you, darcy love you, tara love you .the school loves you as head boy ,charlie please   don't let  a boy let you disapear charlie      , you know thre is a saying thre is a lot of boy in the ocean" said andrew i laughed "but i thought that nick is the 1" i said   addi and andrew were just looking at me addison got up and  go    over her desk where  is her jbl she turn it up pick up her phone connect on it and then she started a song i waited a few second then i realize it what is it "state of grace"  by taylor swift i started laughing "what since you broke up you can finnaly lisening to red album" she said and started dancing i smiled got up took her hand and started dancing with her while andrew   got up her bed and watch us dancing then the bridge came up wich me and addison  always  scream but honnestly her song is the best  and the bridges mastermind        "                                                                                                                                                                                     "This is a state of grace
This is the worthwhile fight
Love is a ruthless game
Unless you play it good and right
These are the hands of fate
You're my Achilles heel                                  This is the golden age of something good and right and real"

we screamed and we started laughing andrew cover his ears "okay that was something else " he said and we just laughed "you know what andrew you go home and your broher sleep over" said addi andrew widded his eyes "b-but that's not fair" said andrew i laughed at him  he just rolled his eyes and pick up his stuff put up his t shirt  and then left give addison a good bye kiss and hugged me and the left we waited until andrew close the front door then addi turn to me "do you want to talk about it?" she asked oh i forgot why i'm here i look down i shocked my head i feel tears in my eyes i look up at her "can we just lisent to taylor?" i asked she nodded put i knew you were trouble and we started scream it put all my fellings in singing  forgoting about today's event but i just couldn't   

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