chapter 25

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Charlie pov:
"Oh my god Darcy shut up!" I screamed
"But literally he called me that day and he was like 'oh he was sooo cute' or 'when our fingers touched I swear I melted inside'" said Darcy, she was telling the embarrassment when I met nick and how I was into him
While we were baking cookies Andrew laughed "omg I remember that nick turned up in our house the second day of school" said Andrew "oh my god yeees and when were walking to school Charlie tripped and nick fall on top of him and nick literally looked like he wanted to kiss the soul out of him" said Addison nick blushed I think I was the same way as him "ohh I remember how Charlie came home and he was like 'i told nick I'm gay' and how he reacted" said Addison we laughed "I couldn't helped it but freeze I thought I don't have a chance with this hottie"said nick I looked at him "or you though that I'm going out with Addison" I said Andrew looked at nick and laughed
"Sorry nick but back then we were dating for a month, and why the fuck did you assumed that he's dating addi when i literally
Said that one of my family member is gay and the I WINKED at you so you got the message!?" Said Andrew "sorry mate" said nick
"Btw how did you got together?like when did you kissed for the first time, I feel like I don't know about your realitionship" said Tara "well" I said and looked at nick "long story short nick and Addison were sleeping here nick in my room and Addison in Andrew room so when we decided to got to sleep nick started to flirt with me and we just kissed and then we made out a few time-" nick cut me off "for 2 hours" he said I rolled my eyes "and 2 day later nick asked my out on a date and asked me to be his boyfriend" I said the I looked at nick and gave him a kiss "the best decision I ever made" said nick "aww you are sooo cute" said Tara then nick realised something "oh my god char do you have THAT chips" said nick I looked at him confused and then I realised what is he talking about "yeah I have them why?" I said the nick winked at my and I know that he made a really cruel plan which I'm sooo in
"When is Tao and Elle arriving?" Asked Darcy then I checked the time it was 4:30 they are late "wait I'm going to text them" I said but them I saw that they already texted

Tao:sorry gang me and Elle can't tonight
Have fun see you in school bye

"They are not coming" I said "why?" Asked nick "I don't know I guess they are making out" I said and laughed "okay our cookies is done so we can Finnaly eat it and drink vodka"said Darcy "honestly Darcy you came so you can drink vodka" I said she looked at me "how dare you assume that!" She said and winked then Darcy's eyes light up "oh my god Charlie remember when me and you went out to a party" said Darcy "and I wanted to hook up with guy who was really hot? Yeaah I don't want to remember it honestly" I said the nick looked at me "what? Charles I can't believe that you wanted to do this so all this innocent head boy Charlie spring is just a act?" Said nick
"Nicholas you don't know many things about Charlie and him not being innocent" said Darcy "but anyway I didn't wanted to say that but do you remember the game we played and we both got so fucked up like we were so drunk we had to call Tara to pick us up-" "and the whole ride to Tara's house we sung let it go from frozen?" I said then Tara laughed "oh my god I recorded it! You were so drunk wait I'm going to show you nick how this two idiot were singing let's it go AND crying at the end" said Tara and showed him the video were we were singing let it go while nick,Addison and Andrew were laughing "god this is soo funny" said nick
"Okay please can we play beer Pong now but with vodka?"said Darcy "okay we can soo me,Darcy,Tara are together and nick,Andrew and Addison play together and now let's set up!" I said then Darcy leaned closer " I know that you want to get drunk again" said Darcy I laughed "you are soo right" I said

"Yes we won wohoooo"I said "Charlie I swear you win anything!" said Andrew
"Yeah like you are a proper little nerd" said Addison "sorry you fucking ally's but the gays always win so let me hear it!you disgusting heterosexuals" said Darcy "gay supermerc" I screamed "let me hear it again!" Said Darcy "gay supermerce" we all said "and I think everyone know what's coming?" Said Darcy I looked at her "Darcy I think you are thinking what I'm thinking" I said "and I'm thinking what you are thinking"
Said Darcy "truth or drink" I screamed "what the fuck is that?" Said nick I looked at him and smirked "so this game is like 'truth or dare' but instead of dare it's drink, you have to spin the bottle and and what person it land they have to anwear the question or if they don't want to you have to drink" I said
"I never played that" said nick Darcy looked at him "where did you lived under a fucking rock?" Said Darcy "no?" Said nick "well you lived there,in sixth form its THE most popular game on partys" said Andrew "yeah I played it like a 100th time on partys" I said
"Well in our school our girls had a competition who lost there virginity first' and boys 'who drink more beer' so we didn't had a popular game" said nick "well but now you are here and you can try it and now come we get glasses and we can play" I said and went to cupboard and take 4 glasses for vodka nick laughed behind me "did I said that I'm glad that I met you guys?" Said nick I turn around "nah never" I said and laughed
"Now let's go to my room" I said  and we went to our room we sit in circle next to my was Darcy next her was Tara, then Addison
Nick and andrew
"So nick you spin first cuz you never played this game " I said game him and empty vodka bottle what I had in my room
Nick took it from my hand and spined it it landed on Darcy "oh  I'm starting with  this game,okay Nick boy i trust you" said Darcy I looked at nick and he seemed nerves "uh-um when did you met Charlie?" Said nick Darcy looked dispointed "really Nicholas? That's it?" Said Darcy I looked at her "Darcy he's new at this game let him be " I said Darcy nodded "okay that's true um I met Charlie  4 years ago on
8th grade prom and we become best gay friends" said Darcy and gave me a high five
"Heck yeah" I  said "okay but it's my turn" said Darcy and put the bottle down and spin it it landed on Andrew "okay drew who was your first kiss?" Asked Darcy Andrew thought "it was Olivia Newman  on one of the Halloween house party's" he said I looked at him in shock "you never told me that!!!!!" I said "some secrets is just for me cha cha" he said I smacked his arm "you fucking fuckstard I needed to tell you everything what happened me and nick everytime I was with him and you didn't told me your first kiss!?" I said he laughed "that's my work as you big brother Charles" said Andrew I have him my death stare"oh charl don't look at me like that, that's Tori's thing"  said Andrew. "okay now it's my turn" said Andrew again and spin the bottle and it landed on nick Andrew looked at me and I knew what is he thinking so I nodded that he can ask him that question "so who was the girl that you and Charlie talked to on the beach?"asked Andrew I saw nick freeze "um-it was Imogen -my-um  old friend from my old school" said nick Andrew looked at me I took a deep breath  and gave him 'its okay'  look "okay now it Nick's turn again" said Addison  she 100%  knew that why we asked that "okay" said nick and spinned the bottle and it landed on Tara she smiled "ask Nicky" said Tara he smiled back "when did you realised that you are a lesbian?" Said nick
"Um when I met Darcy firstly I didn't knew what is this feeling
but after time a learned it" said Tara
"Aww that's so cute" I said and Darcy and Tara smiled at me and then Tara spined the bottle it landed on Addison "oh I wanted to ask you this question for a long time when and how did you and Andrew got together?" Said tara Addison smiled and looked at Andrew who smiled back
"Well it was when me and Andrew went out for a ice cream at the time I was really into Andrew but I was scared to tell him because he was like my big brother,
So anyway it was night and we was walking in a park and we were talking about university and how I'm going to miss him and the Andrew stopped and took my hand and pulled in a kiss
And I remember the date and time
It was 3th August at 11pm" said Addison then she looked at Andrew who was in tears
I smiled at them
I love them so much they are my whole family THIS group is my family maybe not blood family but family by choice and I made the best choice
"Well I don't remember and neither the date but thank you for reminding me" said Andrew everyone laughed "ofcourse you don't remember" said Addison and rolled her eyes then she wanted to sling the bottle but then my phone made a sound I looked at it I got it again
A message

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