chapter 17

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Nick pov:
I didn't meant to snap at Charlie last night
I just was just shocked and nerves I don't want to know Charlie about have I was acting when I was in my old school
God I hate David so much why does he not shit the fuck up and leave me the fuck alone
But that doesn't matter right now
What matter is that I need to speak to Charlie and apologize
So that's why today I went to school early
But when I arrived at school Charlie wasn't there but instead I see Tao standing Infront of the gate I guess he's waiting for his friends and Charlie so I decided to walk to him he didn't notice me first because he was looking at his phone but then he looked ap and noticed me he was surprised but then his expression turn into anger
I gulped
"Hi Tao" I said he looked at me and then rolled his eyes "hi nick" we stayed silent for a minute but I break it "so who are you waiting here?" I asked "for my friends" he said I nodded "you?" He asked me I looked at him "Charlie" he nodded "I didn't know that you are coming here" he said and looked at me "well yeah, I didn't know that you are coming here" I said " honestly are you surprised?" He snaped at me "are you fucking surprised? We moved here because
You and your fucking friends were bullying us!" He yelled "I'm sorry what I did to you guys" I said and looked down "yeah right" he said "I'm really!" I said and looked at him
"Yeah, I believe when I see it, you didn't even changed" he said I looked at him confused
"What do you mean?" I asked "are you using Charlie? For laughed?that what you did whit your friends dating someone and then laughed at them you didn't even care about people, you just care about yourself" he said
"I'm not using Charlie! I really like him-" and then when I realised"h-how do you know that me and Charlie?" I asked he looked at my and laughed "when we were at his house and Tara and Darcy came inside she said that: how's my favourite homosexual boy? And then when Charlie and Darcy went to you guys I asked Tara that what was Darcy talking about and she said that Charlie is gay and you two are dating" he said I nodded well now it's out there but I don't care that he know about it
"Does charlie know that you know?" I asked
"No" He said nodded we stayed silent for a few seconds and now I hope that Charlie arrive at school soon
"Does Charlie know about your old school life?" Tao asked "nothing" "do you want to tell him?" "No" "then we don't tell him" he said I looked at him "but If you dare to hurt him!" He said I laughed "I know strong dm text,I know I got a few from you"I said he nodded we looked away but we saw Charlie come over to us with Andrew
"Hi guys" said Charlie "hi" me and Tao said together "Charlie can we talk?" I asked him he looked at me and nodded we walked away "so....." He said "I'm sorry Charlie that I snapped at you" I said "nick it's nothing I over reacted,I shouldn't asked you that question" he said and smiled "now come we have to go back to them" he said I laughed and nodded when we went back Elle, and Addison were there too "hey guys" said Addison "hi" we said and we start talking after a few minutes issac arrived too "so guys I want to tell you something important
" Said suddenly Charlie I looked at him he looked at me and smiled I smiled back a little confused "it's nothing important to be honest but I just want you to know that I'm gay"he said he looked at me and I know what he want to do I nodded at him to know that Im ready he took my hand in his
"And me and nick are dating" he said every stayed silent then they all hugged us "we are so proud of you Charlie not that I already knew but still" said Andrew and everyone agrees after a few second we pulled away and decided to go out classes we said our good bye and we decided to meet up on lunch

Charlie pov:
After a few hours it was finnaly lunch time
I waited for nick next to his locker
When he arrived and we head to the cafeteria
"Wanna hang out today with me, Andrew and Addison?"I asked nick he looked at me and smiled I swear to god i coul Kiss him right there. his smile is everything
"Yeah okay!" He said I nodded

When we arrived at the cafeteria no one was there so we decided to grab our lunches and sat down and start chatting  after a few minutes Andrew and Addison arrived
And we start to discussing about  our met up and than a few minutes later Elle and tao arrived and they informed us that Issac is not coming to have lunch with us
We were chatting and I honestly felt so happy that I have a amazing friend group
Suddenly I got cut off of my thoughts
"So btw where did you nick and charlie met?" Asked Tao I saw Elle gave him a weird look but I ignored it
"Well we met a one week before school started"I said Tao nodded
"And when did you guys got together?"
Tao asked again
"Few week after our first met"I said again he nodded "well you guys are so cute together"
Said   Elle I smiled at her
And then we continue chatting later I discovered that Darcy and Tara are joining us
Later when we hang out
When it was time to go to our next class
Mr. Ajayi come to us
"Hey guys I hope you have good lunch but
Nick,Andrew,Charlie the principal is calling you to the principal office" he said
"Why?" I asked "he didn't told me that" I nodded "I guess we have to go bye guys" said Andrew we all said bye and me nick and Addison went to the principal office
When we arrived we knock on the door
" did you called us sir"I said when I opened the door "yes mr spring come have a seat you three" he said and we sat down
"Am I in trouble" asked Andrew the principal laughed "not this time mr.spring, no one is in trouble" said the principal we all sighed in relief "but then why are we here?"asked nick
"Well guys you have to apply to a university next month" said the principal I got confused "sir why am I here?" I asked the principal looked at me "Charlie, me and you teacher had a talk and your teacher said that your education is in university level so we decided to send you off one year earlier to university" said the principal and I froze "what?" I said "you are leaving our school this year"said the principal Andrew and nick looked at me and smiled nick took my hand and squeezed it "t-thank you sir" I said steel froze "you are welcome and all three of you please report what university are you applying to" said the principal "okay bye sir"sai nick and we walked out when we were in corridor nick and Andrew hugged me "I'm so proud of calling you my brother"said Andrew "and I'm proud to call you my boyfriend" said nick  after a few second they let me go "thank you guys but we need to go to class" I said That both laughed at me and walked away and they
At the time I realised what happened
I was at home in my bedroom dating my homework
I don't remember how or when I got home
But that's not the problem the real problem is how I'm going to tell my friends?

New chapter!!!
Folow me on Instagram:Coraline._.swaggggg
Tik tok: Darcys._antihomo._.cheese

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