chapter 31

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Nick pov:

while darcy and my charlie was on a stage or i don't know what is this singing barbie girl   like i never seen funnier thing in my life Tara was right  when darcy and charlie are drunk they are chaotic but at the same time charlie is really honest like when he just outed himself and me on that stupid game  like i'm  not mad about it  i'm actullaly  happy  we don't have to hide out  realitionship anymore we can hold hand in  public, we can kiss in public  we can be ourself but in other i'm afraid charlie was drunk when he came so maybe he's going to regret it   anyway it a thing for the future now we are here to enjoy ourself  and tonight charlie is sleeping around my house 

"OI NICK MATE" i heard behind me i froze i know who this voice belong to the last person i want to see in my life i turn around and yep there he is Harry Greene my old friend back from my old school and behind him is Sai,christian,Otis "hi" i said harry grin god that grin i hate it so much i hate his face, i hate him he's well know ass "hi mate what are you doing here?"asked Harry "partying with my friends" i said in cold voice you can  clearly  see that i don't want to be here  harry nodded "cool mate, and where is your friends" said harry the friend part little weird i point my finger too charlie and darcy  who were still singing i laughed at them they both looked very serious i looked back at them "you are friends withh them" i nodded i'm starting to be really annoyed "yep and some of them is somehwere else" i said he nodded   the he smirked                       i know that smirk and i hate it                                                                                                                                         he poked my arms "and any girlfriend nicholas??"asked harry i sighed i opened my mounth to speak but i got cut by someone screaming  "hey nick" i turned around and saw charlie walking up to me behind him is darcy i sighed in relive "hi charlie" i said when charlie smiled at me and the looked at harry and his mates "who are they?" asked charlie i looked at harry who was smirking "i'm Harry, nick's mate from his old school"said harry i rolled my eyes "oh nick never talked about his old friends" said charlie the he reised his hand to harry shake it and harry acapted it thay shocked hand "i'm charlie" said charlie "Harry" he said then they let go harry turned to otis,sai and christian "and this is otis said and christian" said harry charlie smiled at them "it's nice to meet nick's old friends from his old school, nick never talk about his old school" said charlie yeah for a fucking reason i'm not talking about  "well charlie let me tll you this guy was a legend in his school" said harry charlie nodded and looked at me "yeah well i    can't wait to hear about it, wanna get  a drink and talk about nick back i his old school" asked charlie i looked at his suprised i shocked my head he look at me confused then we looked up when harry starts to talk "okay i would love to" said harry charlie noddded and start to walk but then someone catch his arms a not letting charlie walk we look at that person and it's andrew charlie look at him confused "no charlie we are going home you had enough for today" said andrew charlie gave hima andry look he wiggle his arms from hsi ahnd "no!" he said "yes you are sorry guys but my brother have to go home,nick? you are coming with us?"  asked andrew i nodded "yea_-" i start to say but harry cut me off  "sorry but nick is coming with us" he said i start to say no but then took me by my arms and draged me away from charlie and andrew 

Charlie pov:

i woke up because i forgot to close my window last night and i can hear birds  for fuck sake why the fuck is birds singing in start of december and why the fuck did i forgot to close my window or how th fuck did i opened the window ? i looked to my window bad idea the sun is in my eyes cuz i forgot to close my curtain too  last night i don't even remeber how did i got home and what happened to nick cuz he clearly didn't came with us home last night the last thing i remeber from yesterday is me and the gang dancing together then what i said to andrew and that's the last thing i remeber i groaned my head hurt and i'm sick well what that's because  i have hangover i reached for my phone but then i realised it's not in my night stand i opened my eyes and look down i'm in my clothes which smells like shit i try to find my phone in my trouser and to my luck it was in my back pocket cool i pend my phone and there is no messeges from nick or anyone i opened my instagram and there so much people who tagged me in there strory of course on my privat acc on my public i have family members who folows me and when my mom or even worse dad find out what i'm doing on partys  i think i would be dead by now  or maybe even worse, i try to stand up from my bed, bad idea i  felt dizzy "fuck" i groaned then i  decided to lie back down after a few second andrew came into my room "morning" he said i looked at him "morning i said back "you okay do you need anything?" asked andrew i shocked ym head which fucking hurted another regret "no" i said he nodded "i'm sorry what i said to you yesterday" i said andrew turn around "oh you remeber?" said andrew "yeah, that's the last thing i remeber" i said he nodded "it's fine  and i'm not suprised that was the last thing you remeber you were really drunk yestarday" said andrew "no shit" i said i sat up "was i really embaressing?" i asked he laughed "nah you done stupid things" said andrew i groand "what did i do?"  i asked andrew sighed and sat down next to me on my bed "well you and darcy were singing barbie girl, then you and darcy found a dog outside and you started  or tried to feed him with chips soaked in vodka, you started to tell some really embaressing jokes, you outed yourself and nick" he said i look at him shocked "what?!" i said he nodded "well yeah we were playing truth,dare or drink and nick gor for a dare that kiss some random girl and you got angry so but nick said no and then girl said that "i though you like me" and "you are always hanging around charlie" you got annoyed and said "because he's hang with me cuz he's my boyfriend" so yeah congrats on coming out" he said the he stand up and walked out from my room "oh and get ready mom is home soon and you don't want her to see you like this" he screamed from his room and the he closed it i took my phone out and went to call nick he picked up after a few ring "hello?" said nick i sighed in relife "hi i'm so sorry i was so stupid i was so drunk i don't veen know what i was thinking to say thing like that i'm sorry that i outed you i-" i stoped when i hear him laughing "you are laughing?" i asked him confused " yeah i'm char" he said "why? i done a stupid thing" i said "yep ypu done but i'm not mad at you charlie, i'm happy we can be finnaly free and don't act like we are platonic bro's anymore" said nick i laughed he's right ?and you know you said that you are going to come out and you did" he saod i smiled "thanks nick" i said "anyway are you okay? you were pretty drunk yesterday" asked nick i smirked the i i turned on videochat mood it showed me looking like shit nick turned vieochat on and he looked the same as me i laughed "well we both look like shit" i said he laughed "well yeah i got home at like 2: 30 am" said nick i look at the time its 1 pm "do you remeber when i got home?" i asked "well it was around 1 am" said nick "what wre you doing like 1 more hour there?" i asked "well my old friend were they and they draged me away from you so yeah" he said i look at him suprised "oh i don't remeber that"  i said he laughed "well because you were drunk that's why" said nick i groaned "yeah and i heard a few thing that we done with darcy" i said he laughed "well there was a few thing that you did like you satrted making out with me infront of everyone" he said i ide my face "noo i'm sorry nick"i said "charlie no s word" he said "and beside i could see you being jelous and it was really cute" he flirted i smirked " well it was really cute when you were jelous" i said he smirked "we can agree that we are jelous when someone try to get with us" said nick i laughed "yeah you are right"he said and we kept talking unntil my mom arrived at 5 pm the later nick suprise me that he caem around watching movie together and ending sleeping around

so at the end of this chapter i want o say that at  18.12.2023 i'm going on a break and coming back 8.1.2024                                                                                                                                                          

christmas  is coming up and i want to spend it with my brother parent and family and the people i love. christmas is time for spending time with people you love and i want to  do that, and i need a break from writting and plus i want to think about the future chapters of this story AND the next story what is coming out next year                                                                            i'm going to talk about it in my future updates now 


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