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I'm free from school for 2 months wohooooooooooo
I'm going to have so many time writing this story for you guys 
I try to post weekly 2 time:)
But now I want to share information about me:)

Name:Lana(nickname Lonny or Coralie )
School year(from September); 8th
Fav series: hearstopper, young royals , never have I ever
Fav movie: guardians of the galaxy volume 3
Fav book: what if it's us,a good girl guide to murder,solitare
Fav hs volume:volume 3
Funfact abt me:I'm very interested in criminology and psychology

That all:)
See you on chapter 10 (which I started writing)


in every universe (nick and Charlie storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt