chapter 26

354 11 5

Tw:at the end
(I don't want you to spoil anything)

Charlie pov:
I woke up that someone is playing with my hair
I smiled and opened my eyes to reveal nick starting at me and smiling he noticed that I'm awake "good morning love" I said In my morning voice  and yawned "good morning sunshine" He said and kissed my forehead "had good sleep?" Nick asked "yeah I didn't had this good sleep in months, you?" I said and smiled "me too" he said and kissed me on my lips "ew morning breath" nick said I laughed "you have pretty good morning breath too " I said sarcastically the we locked eyes and we were staring at eachother
"I wish I could wake up like this every morning" I said he smiled "yeah?" He asked
"Yeah" I said  "sometime Im thinking about our life after university" he said I looked at him and sit up "yeah? Tell me about it" I said
"Well I imagine us having apartment in London or Leeds, we are going to have a dog golden retriever and a black cat and maybe in our 30s we are going to adopt a little girl" he said "are we going te get married?" I said he looked at me and smiled
"Yes we are" he said i leaned it to kiss him but I got cut off when somebody knock on my bedroom door
"Nick and charlie I'm going to come in if your are making out stop that or if you are naked the dress up quickly," he said and opened the door and his hand is covering his eyes
Them he put his hand away from his eyes
"Oh okay you are not naked I think that would cause me lot of trauma" he said and I rolled me eyes " " 'good morning nick and Charlie how did you slept, I hope you had sweet dreams' oh thanks Andrew you are soo sweet to ask we are really good thanks you how are you and how did you slept last night?" I said sarcastically to him "okay okay shut up Charles, you two come down to have breakfast" said andrew and went out of my room and closed the door we sat up " he's a real bastard isn't he?" He said I laughed "yeah he is" I said I took his hand in mine and lift him up from my bed "come have breakfast" I said and leaned him down
"Good morning everyone" I said "good morning" everyone said then Charlie came up to me "Charlie I have a headache can you have me pills?" She said I nodded "okay come with me" I said and we went to our room and I went to my desk where I hate the pills then I heard that Darcy closed the door I turn around to ask her what is she doing but she cut me off "Charles you can lie to everyone but you can't lie to me I know that yesterday it wasn't you parents" she said  one thing about Darcy is that she act all crazy but she's god damn good at finding out things like this "yeah you are right" I said
"Then who was it......wait you are not cheating on nick" she said I looked at her "no Jesus no I'm not cheating on him" I snapped "then?" She said I sighed and sat down to my bed Darcy sat down too "remember when I was telling you that nick is keeping a secret from me? And we met his old friend on beach? And what his brother said?" I said she nodded "welli started to get messages" I said she looked confused  "messages?" She said I nodded and reached up for my phone and opened my message app and show her she grabbed my phone and started  reading those thing
"Charlie this been going on for a few days now? Why didn't you told me? How did they got your number?" She said "I don't know" I said "you have to report it" she said
"No I can't!"  I said a little louder now "Why?" She said  "cuz....I don't know" I said and looked down "look Charlie you are my best friend, you don't have to report this now but if they going to send you messages like this promise me Charlie that you are going to report it!" She said I looked at her and nodded "I promise" I said and smiled "good and now let's go and eat some shit cuz I'm starving" she said and I laughed "you are always hungry" I said "you are always right" she said and we laughed
I opened the door and we went down "so btw were you thinking about uni's?" She said "yeah I was" I said "anddd???" She said "I'm going to tell you later" I said
"Finnaly you are here what were you talking about?" Said Andrew when we went inside the kitchen " we were talking about gay think that you don't understand drew boy" said Darcy "okay anyway do you want to order osmething for breakfast?" Asked Addison we all said yeah and we order something from the café and then we went to pick up our breakfast and we eat it there
Then we went back to my house and we played a few board games and for the first time nick won something

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