"Shh, I need some silence so I can concentrate." 

She flicked his ear and stuck her tongue out at him as he glared at her.    

They began to  work in silence while Micheal Buble serenaded them in the background, Nessa plugged in the mixer and hummed quietly to the song while she continued to drop in more ingredients then turned on the mixer to move around the bowl so the ingredients could be perfectly combined. Few minutes later and the ingredients were finally mixed, Nessa walked over to Eric who was on his phone and placed the bowl onto the counter. 

"Pass me a spoon." Nessa told him, holding her hand out towards Eric who made his way to a drawer pulling out a spoon and placing it on her hand. "Thanks, you know my apartment too well." 

He shrugged. "I'm basically always here." 

"I know it's horrible." She grimaced, scooping the batter into the cupcake tins. 

"Agreed." Eric watched her as she focused on pouring the batter perfectly into the cupcake tins, she had flour on her nose which made her look all the more cute. He couldn't fight the smile that was forming on his lips, he could tell that she loved to bake which made him happy that he was apart of something that made her smile.   

Nessa could feel Eric's stare but she didn't dare to look up at him, she kept her head down avoiding his ocean blue eyes that she easily got lost in whenever she looked at them. As the quiet minutes passed by she finally filled the cupcake tins and smiled at her almost finished product. 

"Just put them in." She told Eric, passing hims oven mitts. 

"Yes ma'am." He slipped on the mitts, carrying the cupcake tin and placing it into the oven which Nessa had opened for him. Once he did he closed it and looked over at Nessa. "Now we wait." 

She nodded and began to clean up, wiping down the counter with a wet rag. As she was doing this 'Quando Quando Quando' began to play, it was one of her favorite songs. She couldn't help herself so she began to sing quietly as she subtlety danced to the music. 

Eric noticed this and smiled, this was one of his favorite songs as well. He joined in Nessa in singing, a surprised look on her face as she heard him. 

"You know this song?" She asked, continuing to sway her hips to the song. 

He nodded. "It's one of my favorite songs." 

She gave a look of disgust. "Copy cat." 

"You're the copy cat." He mocked. 

The song continued and so did their singing, slowly beginning to try to harmonize with each other. They laughed as they moved closer to each other with their dance steps, their hands connecting as Eric twirled her around. 

"Just say it's me that you adore." Nessa sang as they finally closed the space in between them, her hand was placed in his while her other arm was laid over his shoulders. Eric hesitated as he gently rested his hand on her lower back, holding her other hand tightly in his. 

"And then darling tell me when." They both sang in harmony, not minding how bad it sound since they were so invested into each other's smile. 

That's when the instrumental part filled the apartment and they waltz around the kitchen, their eyes meeting. And again, they shared a moment that filled their stomachs with butterflies and made their hearts soar. But this moment was not quite like any other moment they've had, it was different and they both felt it. They knew they were in deep trouble and that they wouldn't be able to get out of it. 

As the song was about to end, Eric's phone began to ring loudly and he quickly answered it moving away from Nessa and into the living room. Nessa shut her eyes tightly, covering her face in frustration than face palming herself. 

A few minutes passed and Eric walked back into the kitchen, a look of disappointment washing over his face. She looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. 

"What's wrong?" She asked, concern on her face. 

"Nothing." He answered, taking off the apron and roughly placing it back onto the hook. 

She sighed and chewed on her bottom lip, having an idea on what it was about. "Is it your mom?" 

He quickly look over at her and frowned. "Look Young, you're not even supposed to know that she's sick." 

"And why not?" She asked in a hurt tone, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"You're the last person I would want to know about my mom, I don't need you to care or pity about me or my mom. This getting way out of hand, Young." He answered, his voice getting louder and more frustrated. 

"What's getting out of hand?" She questioned, ignoring the beeping from the oven. 

"You know what I'm talking about." He grimaced at her, leaning against the counter. 

"Why am I not allowed to care for you?" 

"Because we hate-" 

"What if I don't hate you anymore." She interrupted him. 

They both remained still as they stared at each other with intensity and annoyance. 

"Trust me." He moved closer to her and jammed a finger in direction. "You do and you always will." He than pointed at himself. "And so will I, that is never going to change." He nearly shouted. 

She glared at him, yelling in anger. "Get over it,Eric. We're not kids anymore!" 

"It's better this way, Nessa!" He shouted back. 

"It's not." She looked down, whispering. 

Eric ran a hand through his hair in anger as he paced back and forth, he made his way to the oven and pulled on a mitt pulling on the cupcake tray and placing it onto the rack. "We burnt the cupcakes now, Young." He complained, looking down at them. 

"Just tell me what happened to your mom." She asked in a gentle and desperate tone. 

He looked at her, sadness filling his eyes as he hesitated. "They can't find a donor." 

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