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"What's one good reason I shouldn't punish you?" Diluc said harshly to Sayu.

"Now now Diluc, there must be a good reason, she is well known in Inazuma, she wouldn't dare do something so risky knowing the potential conflicts our nations could have," The hooded figure next to Diluc said, he unhooded himself to be Kaeya, who faked being Diluc per request.

Diluc raised an eyebrow at Sayu, not expecting what Kaeya said to be true.

"W-well, some random voice in my head promised me that if I kept switching your gender, that they would make sure Kano Nana would stop being able to find me when I go and sleep......" Sayu muttered, being less and less confident with each word she said.

"So you worked with an abyss monster to be able to sleep more?" Diluc said in disbelief.

"Abyss monster?" Sayu asked, clearly not knowing who was using her.

Able to figure out that Sayu was essentially innocent, he cleared his mind, "I won't tell anyone about your misdeed, but I'm going to send a letter to this Kano Nana person, and trust me, your life won't get better with her around."

Sayu shivered, and started to tear up, "I-I'm sorry about what I did, I won't do anything foolish again, promise."

Diluc stood up, "I hope you learn from this, don't do such an action ever again," Diluc left, leaving Sayu to cry in quiet and reflect on what she did.

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