Sayu's new friend

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"Hey Ayaka, when can I leave?" Sayu was started to fall asleep again, the noise of the party was not a place she wanted to be near around.

Ayaka gave a warm smile, "Please try to stay a little longer, it would be rude to leave after our new Mondstadt friends prepared such a great party just for us."

Sayu pouted, she wanted to go somewhere, anywhere quite, but she couldn't do anything rude, or else Kano Nana will be angry, and she is scary when she is angry.

Wanting to leave, Sayu slowly sipped at her drink, then another, then another, "Whoa, this drink is really good! Who made this?"

"Ah, I think it's that pink haired bartender with cat ears over there," Thoma pointed to the direction where there was a long line.

Sayu left the table she was at, and used her ninja skills to sneak past the line and made her way to the front of the line.

"What do you want?" The pink haired bartender asked. She was about Sayu's height and a scary face.

"Um.... did you make this drink?" Sayu gave her cup to the bartender.

"Yes I did, do you want seconds?"

"Later, can you tell me how to make this? This is sooooooo good!" Sayu had sparkles in her eyes.

The bartender looked disgusted, "IT'S NOT SUPPOSE TO TASTE GOOD!"

Sayu ignored the bartender, and instead hopped over the counter to be on the same side as her, "My name is Sayu, Shuumatmatsuban ninja, and you?"

"Diona....... of Springvale," Diona said with a moping tone.

Sayu smiled, "Nice to meet you new friend!"

Diluc x KaeyaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu