Scrap of paper

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Diluc found an abandoned camp, there were signs of recent activities, probably on the day that the maid girl saw those abyss monsters. Diluc investigated the camp, it was definitely abandoned from the looks of it. There were signs of fighting, the broken boxes, broken hilichurl weapon, and deep cuts on the earth that indicated slashing. It was probably some Knights of Favonius taking care of the monsters.

Something caught Diluc's eye, a little scrap of paper. Diluc picked it up, making sure not to ruin any part of it in case it was important. There was some writing on it, it was the language of the Abyss. Diluc was not an expert at it, but he knew there were probably some books on it in the library.

Diluc carefully placed the scrap in his pocket. Diluc investigated more but there was no other important information he could gather.

Successfully gaining something, Diluc started to head back to Mondstadt. By now the sun was setting and the party was already over. Diluc could go back to Dawn Winery, but he had a more important task to do right then and there.

Diluc entered the gates of Mondstadt, and went to the very end of it, right in front of the Statue of Barbatos.

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