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"You talked to that ninja girl?" Kaeya came to Dawn Winery the evening of speaking to Kuki Shinobu. He brought a weird looking vase with him.

"First off that is none of your business and second, what is that vase for?"

"Oh this?" Kaeya smirks, "It's a present for my dear Lady Diana, you can bring it home when Master Diluc returns," Diluc can see that Kaeya was holding back a laugh.

"Very funny Kaeya, now I have to prepare to venture out to the city tomorrow so if you can kindly leave."

"Ah, but Adelinde highly suggests I should stay for dinner and sleep over!"

Diluc stared at Kaeya, "And why would she suggest this?"

Kaeya set the vase on a table, "Ah yes, this looks fantastic. It really fits the vibe of the room."

"Answer my question Kaeya, why are you staying over?"

"Ah Lady Diana, it's getting very late, and it's not safe to roam around the wild where hilichurls can attack you at any moment," Kaeya acted frighted.

"Nice try Kaeya, you will make haste to the city right now, you might make it before it goes completely dark."

"Oh but master, Kaeya hasn't slept under this roof in a long time, I beg just this one night," Adelinde came out of no where and suggested this to Diluc.

Diluc sighed, there was obviously no way of getting out of this, he reluctantly let Kaeya stay the night.

Diluc x KaeyaWhere stories live. Discover now