A single word

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Back at Dawn Winery, Diluc went straight to his office and started going through the book of Abyss Language again.

After countless hours, Diluc finally found a symbol that was on the scrap of paper. Diluc rubbed his tired eyes and double check to make sure.

Anemo, that was what it said in the book, and the symbol was a perfect copy of what was on the scrap of paper.

Anemo? This could be interpreted as many different things. Could they be wary of Venti, who is the anemo archon? Could this power only be activated with the power of anemo? Maybe the mastermind, Zach, has anemo powers? They could be referring to him as the anemo abyss lector.

So many possibilities from just one word. But one word was closer than he was this afternoon. With inspiration to continue, Diluc continued to go through the book.

With no sign of luck, Diluc gave up for the night. It was super late and he was getting tired. Diluc put the book in his desk drawers and was about to sign off for the night when a small breeze entered the room.

Knowing he had no windows opened, Diluc turned around to see a familiar bard at his windowsill.

"Give me a heads up next time you enter my property without my consent." Diluc warned.

"Sorry, just 4 bottles of wine is too good of an offer to just simply knock on your window for," Venti shouted, clearly drunk.

Diluc signed, he better have good information.

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