The purpose of visit

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Diluc was silent during dinner. He felt like if he spoke, he would burst out emotions he thought he surpressed long ago.

Meanwhile, Thoma and Kaeya were happily chatting away with a few of Diluc's maids. Thoma even offered for them to sit, in which they promptly refused.

Diluc didn't know how long it's been since dinner started but eventually Thoma tried to talk to him. Diluc put on a face while talking to Thoma about his maids, Mondstadt, and just life in general.

"So sir Thoma, has any one of your Inazuman friends come to Mondstadt for any specific reasons?" Diluc was trying to gather information on who this culprit could be.

Thoma thought for a moment, "Well lady Ayaka came to represent the Kamisato estate, and she brought along me and 2 other housekeepers which is why I am here. Yoimiya came because she has a friend here named Klee and really wanted to see her. Hmm let me think, Gorou and Kokomi came with the same reason Sara and the shogun army came here for. Sayu wanted to escape the shrine maiden that keeps bugging her. And Itto came to find the greatest beetle battler in Mondstadt, with Kuki tagging along."

Thoma was winded after his answer and slumped as he took a sip of apple juice.

Diluc thought for a moment, the Kuki person doesn't seem to have ulterior motives but from the small conversation he had with her, she seems level headed and smart. And that could make for a good culprit who will never be caught. Diluc decided to stalk Kuki just in case. He needed to clear out ever possible suspect.

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