Lady Diana helps the Knights

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"So, you're the famed lady Diana? I heard many great things about you from Amber," Jean welcomed Diluc into her office. Diluc sent a letter to Jean saying that lady Diana (him) will be helping Jean with welcoming. Saying that Diana has been to Inazuma multiple times and is more accustomed to Inazuma culture.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Acting Grand Master Jean," Diluc did a curtsy in his woman clothing that Adelinde brought back. Apparently, she never threw them out after Diluc turned back into a man.

"Well, I'm sorry that your relative Diluc pushed this on you. Perhaps I was bothering him too much. I'd like to apologize when I get the chance."

"No need Acting Grand Master Jean. Diluc was willing to help but knew he had to go on a trip to er, Fontaine. That is why he requested me to come a few days ago," Diluc made up a lie on the spot.

Jean drew a sigh, she then smiled, "Alright then lady Diana, if you don't mind helping, that'd be great help!"

"Of course," Diluc did another curtsy and turn to leave the room.

As soon as Diluc got to the door, it swung open and there stood in front of him was Kaeya. Diluc resisted the urge to barf, he was in front of Jean. Kaeya stopped in front of Diluc, and withing half a second, grasped the situation.

"Kaeya, what is so urgent that you don't knock before entering?" Jean asked in a stern voice.

"I apologize for interrupting your time with a guest, but the foreigners from Inazuma have arrived."

Jean panicked and grabbed a few papers and rushed out to greet them. It was just Diluc and Kaeya in the room now. Diluc suddenly became self-conscious of the cutesy clothes he was wearing and his memories of the night turning back into a man was coming back. When Kaeya kissed him forcefully. Diluc started getting red at the thought of it.

"So," Kaeya broke the silence and turned around to Diluc, "What's the reason lady Diana blessed Mondstadt City with her presence again?" Kaeya did a sarcastic bow, and Diluc pushed him, since there was no one around. Kaeya intercepted and caught Diluc's hand and pulled Diluc closer in, so they were millimeters apart.

"Now now lady Diana, a lady shouldn't use her hands to do harm. Now please tell me in what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again?" Kaeya asked the last part in a little more serious tone.

Diluc sighed, "Someone has received the power of swapping my gender it seems. And according to a reliable source, this certain someone is one of the guests from Inazuma. Therefore I, as lady Diana, has been requested by Diluc to help with the welcoming of the guests in order to get close to them and find the culprit."

Kaeya let go of Diluc's hand. He had a serious look on his face, "An attack? Is Inazuma starting war? This could be serious. Diluc, if worse comes to worse, we will need to inform Jean and the rest of the Knights about your identity. They will need to know what is attacking them. This person could change more than just your gender, there will be chaos in the city."

"I have fully accepted that this might be the case. Nonetheless I wish to reveal my true identity as a last resort, I expect you to not tell anyone unless it threatens the city itself. You do know what happens if it gets out, right?" Diluc said in a menacing tone.

Kaeya put up his hands, "Of course lady Diana, I understand completely."

Diluc nods and walks out, only to be met with a familiar arm around his shoulder.

Kaeya was next to him, in his dominating way, because he knew that Diluc was weaker than him when he is in this form.

"Now lady Diana, since we cleared up this conundrum, why don't we go on a date? I'll buy you the best Mondstadt Grilled Fish in the city!!"

Diluc started getting red, Kaeya was close to him, he could smell his sweet aroma. Diluc wanted to push him away, but he wasn't strong enough. Kaeya just stood there, smirking as Diluc tried to get free. Eventually, Kaeya let go and Diluc walked off with his pride shattered, but held his head high.

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