Nearby abyss monster

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Diluc walked through the crowd of knights and samurais trying to make sure that Itto wasn't on his tail. He eventually made his way to the edge of where the party was being held.

Diluc took a bit to adjust his disguise, and made sure his head wasn't flaming red. Everything seemed to be good. Diluc was about to make it back into the party to find the maid girl, but just as he was about to, he spotted abyss monsters at a far distance.

They are way too close to civilians. I have to take care of them. Diluc forgot about the maid girl and rushed over to the abyss monsters lurking by.

As he got closer, he heard them muttering amongst themselves in their own language. Of course Diluc didn't understand what they were saying. Diluc circled them until their backs were facing him. He wanted to end this as quickly as possible.

"....... Diluc......" The hydro abyss mage muttered.

Diluc froze, he was sure he heard his name, but it could just be another meaning in their language. Nonetheless, Diluc finally got close enough and rushed the abyss monsters.

He killed all of them except the hydro abyss mage, Diluc's curiosity got the best of him, "What do you want with me?" Diluc asked, choking the mage in his hands.

The mage muttered some nonsense but seemed to be laughing as well. Diluc was confused, and decided this was not worth questioning anymore. Diluc hit the mage in one swift blow and cleaned off the grime off his gloves.

"Very nicely done Diluc, as expected of you," a mysterious voice called from behind.

Diluc x KaeyaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora