Thoma and Noelle

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"Let me help you!" Thoma got his own cleaning materials and started picking up trash from the ground.

"Oh no, please don't, you are a guest, this is my duty!" The young girl in a maid armor told Thoma.

"No please, I love cleaning, you are doing me a favor if you let me help."

The maid looked shy, "Oh.... okay then."

"I'm Thoma by the way."

"N-noelle, my name is Noelle."

Thoma smiled, "Beautiful name you got there, nice to meet you Noelle!"

"You too sir Thoma."

"Oh Thoma is just fine, I am no knight after all." Noelle just nodded and went back to cleaning.

"I don't think I saw you at the Knights of Favonius headquarters when we arrived," Thoma attempted to start a conversation.

"Ah yes, I was out training out in the wild, but when I was about to return, I found a bunch of abyss monsters doing some suspicious activities. I went to go check it out, but when I got close, I saw a tall, human like figure. I went to go see if they were alright, but then he just.... disappeared. I was really confused because all the other abyss monsters just vanished."

"Have you reported this yet?"

"Ah no, it was probably the Darknight hero of Mondstadt who I saw a few days ago, he is someone who serves justice and protects Mondstadt from the shadows, I didn't want to interrupt or bring attention to him so I left it be."

Thoma sighed, "Well if Mondstadt got a great hero, there is no need to worry about the safety of the civilians."

Noelle nodded and both went back to cleaning.

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