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Sayu went back to Inazuma a few days later, she made up an excuse that Lady Diana just wanted to talk about her ninja suit and came off as aggressive. Of course when a letter came from Inazuma from Diluc himself, Kano Nana made sure that Sayu could not get any sleep during the day. Sayu had no clue what Diluc wrote, but the pain she went through with not have her 5 naps a day was brutal, and really showed what a messed up thing she did.

"You know the Abyss Lector Zach is still at large," Venti said, he popped by Diluc's window at his mansion.

Diluc sighed, "I know, but now I have a tool that should help me just in case he decided to mess with me again."

Venti laughed, he was clearly drunk, "Well aren't you gonna thank me for everything I did?"

"I gave you 4 bottles, I thanked you enough."

"How about 1 more? Pleaseeeeee."

"No, besides Yae Miko was much more helpful, one of her theories said it was Sayu, she pointed out the culprit for me." Although some of them to Diluc were strange. She said it could be Venti all along and he has been lying to Diluc, and the other one was there was no culprit and it was all just the abyss monsters doing everything. Diluc is thankful though that he found the culprit. And with the help of Kuki Shinobu, was able to do some stable trading of wine to Inazuma for a good profit.

Venti whimpered, and since Diluc was in a pretty good mood, he tossed a bottle to the Anemo Archon. Jumping in joy, Venti peaced out and disappeared in the wind.

Right after, someone knocked on the door, and in came Kaeya, with another strange vase.

"Master Diluc what a pleasant surprise! I was hoping to kiss Lady Diana a farewell before she left for Fontaine. A real shame I must say!"

"Kaeya that is not funny, leave!"

"Now now Master Diluc, I think this vase fits the theme of your office quite well," Kaeya placed it down in a random corner of the room and smiled as if he did something amazing.

"Leave now!"

Kaeya smiled and waved, "Well, if you ever want to, tell Lady Diana to come by again so we can go on a date! We were pretty close you know~" Diluc threw a pen at Kaeya and he ran off laughing.

After everything calmd down, Diluc opened his desk, it was the artifact that changed his gender. Kaeya's last words remained in Diluc's head. Hmmm, maybe Lady Diana can come back once in a while....


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