Sayu's secret

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"I don't see any other ninja's here, mostly just samurai's and a lot of fancy dressing people. Did every other ninja not want to come here?" Diona asked as she gave Sayu another cup of her special brew.

Sayu's eyes sparkled as she basically inhaled the cup, "I wasn't suppose to come either, but I begged lady Ayaka to bring me along, I even made a deal that I would properly train for a whollleeee month if I was allowed to go. Kano Nana reluctantly let me and lady Ayaka is a nice woman so I was able to come here."

Diona gave a curious look, "Why here though? I heard Liyue is a lot more cooler and has really good food."

Sayu gave a little mischievous grin, "A ninja does not reveal all her secrets."

Sayu did a little gremlin laugh and Diona cracked a smile. Diona was not used to having fun with other people, because she was usually too busy trying to destroy Mondstadt's wine industry.

"Hey hombre, give me 10 of those the little ninja sis is having!" Itto, with his massive build, was at the front line and pounded the counter with his fist. His entire gang behind him being rowdy as well.

Diona instantly stopped smiling and scowled, "So can you explain to me why this loud mouth is here? He certainly isn't a samurai!" Diona asked Sayu

Kuki Shinobu, who was with Itto explained, "Sorry bartender for the noise! My gang illegally got on board the ships  because they wanted to go since I was invited to help with legal matters. They were caught, and when they confessed, said they wanted to go to Mondstadt to find the best beetle battler. The Tenyrou commission has got close eyes on him as well do I, so think of him as a prisoner with freedom." Shinobu gave all of them death stares, and every single one of them shivered in fear.

"Chief, please don't punish us," the gang cried in unison.

Diona sighed, and started to prepare 10 new drinks for Itto.

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