part 79 - phone call

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Phone call: Xochitl

Rory: Hiiii

Xochitl: Heyy

Rory: I feel bad about not inviting you today, me and Georgia got kind of swept up in the moment

Xochitl: Dont worry about it, Rory. It's not going to be the last time ever

Rory: I know, I'm sorry

Xochitl: It's fine. So, you and Georgia, huh?

Rory: What do you mean?

Xochitl: Do you like her?

Rory: Of course I like her, she's one of my best friends.

Xochitl: You know what I mean

Rory: I don't know, I don't think she feels that way

Xochitl: I wouldn't be so sure, I think you'd be surprised

Rory: No, I don't even think she likes girls that way

Xochitl: I don't know, but I think she's into you.

Rory: I don't kn- no. We're just friends, that's it. Friends.

Xochitl: You and I are just friends. You and her are different

Rory: I'm not sure Xo

Xochitl: all I'm saying, is dont assume, and don't stop yourself from speaking to her about it

Rory: OK, thanks

Xochitl: see you later

Rory: Love you, byeee

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