part 15 - real life

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Rory sat in her trailer in anticipation. She was going to go home when she got the text from Kevin, however then remembered that Hailee was coming to set too. It crossed her mind that people only seemed to visit her when she was low, or it seemed like she needed help. Was she that in need of help?

She wondered what Hailee would say to her. They had been close since Rory was little, as they always seemed to be working together, there were only 10 years between them so she was like an older sister. Hailee was the only person who knew the complete truth about her parents and what kind of people they were, but she didn't know Rory was living alone in LA. She knew exactly the reaction she'd have.

There was a very loud knock on the door that shook the rickety trailer, Rory opened the door, and a panicked looking Hailee Steinfield stood the other side, she let out a sigh of relief when she saw Rory was alive, however. "C'mon, I'm taking you home."

"Hailee, I still have scenes to film." Rory said quietly. She felt weak lying to Hailee, but she really did not want to explain everything right now.

"Nice try, I passed Kevin on the way over who explained the technical difficulties, car, now." Hailee was clearly worried about the teen. Rory didn't argue back. She just walked to Hailee's silver Range Rover.

Once they were both in, Hailee had started driving and took the wrong turn out of the car park. "You've gone the wrong way."

"Not the wrong way, the long way you have plenty of time to explain everything. No extra ears, no judgement, just me. Talk." Hailee said, softer this time.

Rory explained almost everything, leaving out the part where her parents were out of town for good. She just settled with the few weeks of story she'd been sharing with everyone else.

"I'm really sorry, honey," the car came to a halt outside her house, "you shouldn't have to deal with crap like that, especially from your parents, do you want to come and stay with me?"

"That's really sweet of you to offer Hailee, but I'm ok." A single tear fell down her cheek. It was nice to feel cared about.

"OK, I'm coming inside for a bit though, I need the restroom." Hailee finished, both of them climbing out the car. This was why Rory loved Hailee. She was fun, bubble, and silly, but she also has a really good heart and is really caring.

Whilst she was in the bathroom, Rory started to prepare hot chocolate for the pair of them. She boiled the kettle (like a true brit, the only normal way to heat up water), poured in the powder, and got the marshmallows and milk ready. Hailee walked into the kitchen as Rory was outing the water. "Oh, what you making?" The adult announced, startling the teen.

"Oh shit!" Rory exclaimed, pulling her hand away from the surface, running it straight under the cold tap.

"Crap, sorry, let me see, I'll get the burn cream out." Before she knew it, Hailee had pulled up a chair, finished the drinks, cleaned up the mess, got the dressing and cream ready after instructing her to leave it underwater for 20 minutes. She'd make a great mum.

"I know you don't like it, but you can tell them about your birthday, Lizzie was right with what she said about replacing memories. She seems like a great woman. There's no harm in letting them celebrate you."

"She is amazing and absolutely terrifying when she wants to be, which reminds me of you a little bit."

"Don't change the subject, missy. Why aren't you telling them about your birthday?"

"I feel selfish. What have I done to deserve them celebrating me? Why should they inconvenience themselves for me just because of the day?"

"Right, let's not put ourselves down, please. You are still a child and deserve to celebrate your day in the most extra way possible. You have done so much for 15, and that deserves to be celebrated."

"Can you and Lizzie be my mums?" Rory said, which caused Hailee to chuckle slightly.

"Weird age gap there, besides your downton abbey accent might be too clear of a difference."


"Speaking of, have you been living alone?"


"Rory, you are a shit liar, and now is one of the prime examples. How long?"

"2 months."

"Are they coming back?"

"I don't know." And with that, the truth was out to someone, she felt a little lighter, knowing someone could help her. Rory opened her phone and showed Hailee the messages from her mum. The woman's face filled with disgust more with each text she read.

"One second sweetie," Hailee said, leaving the room to somewhere she was out of earshot, so she could phone Lizzie.

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