part 59 - real life and phone call

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Rory sat on the sofa in Lizzie's house. It was a shade of umber, which balanced the plants dotted across the room it made it feel much more natural and cosy. Elizabeth walked in with two cups in her hand, one containing her own tea, her favourite Oolong blend, the other containing chamomile for her daughter. She placed both down on the rustic coffee table and stat next to the teen. It was only when she looked down that she noticed that Rory hadn't moved. She was staring out the window, tears streaming down her face. Elizabeth followed her eyes out the window, to her neighbours, a mother and her young daughter, playing together in the garden.

"Hey sweetie, what's the matter?" Elizabeth comforted, stroking her arm gently.

"I wish my mum could be more like that." She mumbled, just above a whisper.

"I know, honey, you don't need to worry about her anymore though, you're with me and Hailee."

Her phone pinged while resting in her hand. She twisted her wrist so she could read the screen, Elizabeth studied her while she read her phone screen. Rory stared blankly for a split second before her crying grew heavier, so heavy she couldn't breathe. Elizabeth was confused, but all she could do was comfort her. Rory dropped her unlock phone on the sofa next to her, wrapping both her arms around her legs.

"Breathe honey, follow my breathing," Elizabeth said, pulling her into her chest so Rory could use her heartbeat. While Rory calmed down, Elizabeth read the screen of her unlocked phone. She didn't want to invade her privacy, but she also needed to know what it was so she could help her. Her face dropped when she realised what had happened. Her mother was true evil, threatening to come to LA or even send her father.

"I'm not going to let them take you. They aren't coming anywhere near you." Elizabeth said, rubbing the teens' arm.

Once Rory was calm, she went upstairs to her room, which usually happened after her panic attacks. It used to worry Lizzie, but she slowly grew to the fact that Rory needed time and space to process what she was feeling.

Lizzie used the time alone to phone Hailee, and the two agreed to tell each other whenever something like this happened.

Phone call: Hailee

Hailee: Hey Liz, what's up

Lizzie: We have a small problem

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