part 23 - twitter

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rorytheracingcar: Q and A because I'm at a sleepover and my host is boring me

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usera: Who is your host?
rorytheracingcar: the rubbish @lucaGRC

lucaGRC: So rude of you

rorytheracingcar: yet so true

userb: What inspired your username?
rorytheracingcar: There is a kids show in the UK called Rory and the racing car. I thought I'd be cultural

haileestienfield: How is he boring you
rorytheracingcar: he's literally playing minecraft
haileestienfield: ngl that's an ick
rorytheracingcar: Tell me about it

userc: Are you and Luca dating?
rorytheracingcar: No, we are not, just two good friends. Also, even if we were, we wouldn't be obligated to tell anyone, we are both 16 and in no rush to do anything, so the fact the media keep prying seems honestly desperate
scarjo: SLAY
LizzieOlsen: I love you

userd: When are you coming back to the UK?
rorytheracingcar: probably not for a while. I'm super busy at the moment, and there's nothing really for me there
userd: Isn't your home there
rorytheracingcar: not anymore

tomholland: I can't believe you chose Luca over me
lucaGRC: she prefers the Spanish
rorytheracingcar: *1/2 Spanish, also he lives closer to set
tomholland: I can move
rorytheracingcar: didn't realise you needed friends that badly
tomholland: I have plenty of friends
rorytheracingcar: clearly

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