part 12 - twitter

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rorytheracingcar: as 'reliable' sources have confirmed and because I know this isn't going to get me fired anymore. Yes, I'm filming a Marvel movie, no, im not telling you which film, and no, I'm not telling you my character.

98.5k likes | 63k retweets

usera: so excited for you!

userb: When did you start filming?rorytheracingcar: I am not allowed to say

haileestienfield: proud of you
rorytheracingcar: Thank you, I'm over taking your rep
haileestienfield: not yet sweetie

xochitlgomez: so excited to be working with you
rorytheracingcar: me too, can't wait to make fun of everyone for being old
haileestienfield: hunny you're the target for bullying when you sound like the queen
tomholland: it's true. Americans love toturing us.
rorytheracingcar: I'm sure I can hold my own, the UK I'd much better.
xochitlgomez: and like half the size.
rorytheracingcar: fun-sized :)

userc: can you tell us anything to do with your work?
rorytheracingcar: I LOVE it


xochitlgomez: so excited and grateful to be working on a Marvel film, still feels like a dream.

83.2k likes | 54.1k retweets

usera: any hints?
xochitlgomez: not unless I want to lose my job

userb: Is your costume comfortable?
xochitlgomez: no comment...
rorytheracingcar: I'm jealous of her costume, and that's all your getting.↓

userc: co-stars?
xochitlgomez: The one and only @rorytheracingcar
userc: I already knew about her
xochitlgomez: precisely

rorytheracingcar: can't wait to work with my cooler friend.
xochitlgomez: honoured
haileestienfield: offended
rorytheracingcar: nothing that isn't true, just spitting facts.

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