part 45 - messages and real life

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~ Hailee ~

is Rory OK?

I'm honestly not sure. She's been in her room since the message about Luca

have you seen her Instagram?


*sent 1 screenshot*

oh shit
I'll go check on her now

ok, keep me posted
I'm here if you need me


Lizzie knocked on Rory's bedroom door. There was a short silence, followed by the sound of a cry. Without hesitating, Lizzie opened the door, and she saw the teen sat in a ball on her bed, phone on the chair across the room.

"Hey, sweetie." Lizzie said, sitting opposite her on the bed. She shuffled closer and wrapped her arms around her when she noticed her tear stained face. "What happened?"

"I think he cheated on me with Kayla." She explained between crying. Lizzie didn't move from her hug position until Rory had finished speaking.

She straightened up her arms and gently brushed away her tears. "You can do better than him anyway, I mean, in a few weeks, you'll be a Marvel star, everyone will want you."

"I'm not sure. Dating people is pretty difficult." Rory said, which made Lizzie smile.

"I get that. You're only 16. There's no rush." Lizzie comforted her.

"Lizzie, can I ask you something?" Rory questioned, trying to change the subject. Elizabeth nodded, "What if they don't let you adopt me? What would happen then?"

"I'm not sure, Rora, we'd do what we could, but it would be out of our control."

"I really hope they let you."

"Me too."

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