part 74 - phone call

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Phone call - Mom

Lizzie: Hi mumma bear

Mom: Hi sweetie pie, how is everything?

Lizzie: It's all OK. What about your end?

Mom: it's nice and calm here for once, Mary Kate and Ashely reached out yesterday. They're launching a new fashion line, so they are pretty busy at the moment. I feel like I haven't spoken to you in so long.

Lizzie: I know, I'm sorry, it's been very bust here too.

Mom: Speaking of, how is the Rory situation coming along, and when do we get to meet her?

Lizzie: I'd love for you to meet her soon, we are waiting to hear back from the agency, but I'm hoping it all works in our favour.

Mom: I have my fingers crossed for you. Anything in better than what she had before you.

Lizzie: I know, I hope so.

Mom: Just don't get your hopes up too much ok, otherwise if it is a no, it's gonna be much harder on the both of you.

Lizzie: I feel like I just need a hug from you

Mom: I know, sweetie, let's change the subject. Are there any updates in your love life yet? Are there any special men?

Lizzie: No, no special men, not after Robbie

Mom: Any special women?

Lizzie: *sighs*

Mom: That wasn't a no

Lizzie: I'm not sure yet, its atill early, and technically, we haven't actually confirmed anything with each other,  and there's only been 3 dates so far.

Mom: That sounds like a start to me. Who's the lucky lady?

Lizzie: Her name is Hailee, I think you'd like her.

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