part 39: phone call

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phone call: Hailee

Lizzie: Hey Hailee

Hailee: Hey Liz, what's up? Is Rory OK?

Lizzie: She's out with Xochitl at the moment, premiere shopping.

Hailee: Oh, fair enough

Lizzie: I've been thinking about the whole situation with her parents.

Hailee: Me too. I really don't want her to go back to the UK. Especially not with those monsters.

Lizzie: I can't get it off my mind. I was looking for options today, but because she's only 16, our only options are foster or adoption

Hailee: OK, would we be able to do that?

Lizzie: I'm not sure. Where they haven't done anything physically to hurt her recently, the case against them would be pretty weak

Hailee: But Rory has all the abusive texts from them, and we could use the fact they left her alone in a house with no money for nearly 2 months.

Lizzie: We could try it for sure, but I wouldn't want to tell her just in case it gets denied.

Hailee: But she needs to know, so she can decide whether that's what she wants.

Lizzie: We need to sit down and have a chat with her before I meet with the adoption agency.

Hailee: How would it work with us two?

Lizzie: I have absolutely no idea.

Hailee: When is she due back today?

Lizzie: 7pm

Hailee: I'll come over and bring takeout, and we could talk about it tonight?

Lizzie: See you then

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