part 32 - phone call

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Phone call: Kevin

Lizzie: hey Kevin, I need a favour

Kevin: how can i help?

Lizzie: We've just had a run in at the airport with Rory's parents

Kevin: oh, is Rory ok?

Lizzie: I'm not sure, they threatened to pull her out entirely and force her to give up acting by the sound of it. 

Kevin: oh no,what can i do?

Lizzie: if they ask can you tell them that she still had scenes tho film and can't be pulled out because of the contract?

Kevin: of course, but it will only last so long, they'll stay to catch on once the trailer has been released.

Lizzie: yeah, I'm going to try and figure out a long term solution when we get back to L.A. But for now anything is better than nothing.

Kevin: ok, if you need any more help just let me know

Lizzie: thank you so much

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