part 55 - phone call

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Phone call: Lizzie

Hailee: Hey

Lizzie: Hey, you OK?

Hailee: Yeah, I'm just letting you know that Rory is staying at Xochitls tonight. They're having a sleepover

Lizzie: OK, no worries. I just finished up the paperwork for the adoption agency, I'm sending it off in a minute

Hailee: I hope this works

Lizzie: Me too. It's all I can think about

Hailee: Are you doing anything tonight?

Lizzie: No, why?

Hailee: Why don't we go out for the evening, take our mind off the whole situation for a few hours?

Lizzie: Sure thing

Hailee: Meet me at my house at 7 pm

Lizzie: See you then

teen starDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora