Chapter 17

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“What do you mean?" I asked, trying to tug my hand out of his hold, but he had a bruising grasp on my wrist. I am sure it will leave a mark.

The evil look in his eyes was very evident. And my heart begged me to get out of here as soon as possible but my brain wanted me to give him a piece of mind, of his mental disorder. 

Everything is a mess here. I can't be here. I can't be with such a messed up person. What he did today I can never forget. 

Tears well up in my eyes when I remember what he did.

I can not guess what he might do with me. I have to leave as soon as possible and I also need to have a talk with my sis.

I come out of my thoughts when he takes me by surprise by grabbing my other hand. I yelp in pain when he twists both of my hands behind my back, securing them just above my hips.

My chest rubs against his hard body. I could feel his rugged muscles under his clothes. I look up at him.

“Tell me something, what were you planning to do after running away? Huh. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? THAT YOU WILL BE FREE FROM ME?" I flinch at his sudden loud voice. At one time he was calm and the next I knew he was shouting. 

I whimper when his hold on my wrist tightens. My hand twisted back already is giving me pain. 

“Didn't I tell you you can't escape this. This is your faith."

I look up at him, glaring, as his words spite me. “I don't accept such a faith…." Tears start spilling from my eyes. “A faith in which I have to say goodbye to my dreams. I-I just wanted to be free. To be on my own. But you came and destroyed it all."

His expression hardens more. I have never seen such an expression on his face. But I never knew this side of him these all months of us together. Or maybe I did see when in our initial days just a flicker of it.

Suddenly he swirls both of us. If his hands were not grasping mine I would have fallen on the floor. 

He makes me walk back. I squirm in his hold, wanting to get free from the pain of my hand being bent back. 

I yelp when he pushes me back. My back collides with the soft bed and after a few bounces I settle down.

I rise up on my elbows and look up at him with dread.

With straight lips and clenched teeth he was unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes were intense and cold.

A shiver passes through my spine in dread. My body starts trembling at the possibilities of what he is thinking of doing.

“I still haven't destroyed your dreams, love. But I will destroy it now bit by bit. Everyday, your dreams will be destroyed a little bit and at last...." I shake my head when I see him throwing his shirt away. “a new dream will flourish and that will be me. Your dreams will be filled with me in it."

I was frozen, stunned not from his words since I couldn't grasp them but what he was thinking of doing.

I got my senses when I saw him leaning down and at a lightning speed I crawled to the other side of the bed and got on my feet, ready to whisk away from him. But his hands band around my belly. He picks me off the floor and throws me back on the bed.

I yelp.

Without waiting for a second, I again crawl towards the other end of the bed, frantically, wanting to run away from him. My heart, beating loudly in my ears. 

I cry out when I get pulled by my feet.

His hands band around my belly and I shout in fright. He flips me. My back collides with the bed. My frightened eyes come in contact with his evil glinting grey eyes.

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