Chapter 8

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I look at the rings that the jeweller has bought. Accessing each and every piece carefully. 

Done with accessing it, I lean back on the chair and eye jeweller's timid figure. My index finger tapping with a rhythm on the table.

“This shit you call the masterpiece?" I asked calmly. All the rings he showed are nothing else, just pieces of shit.

“You didn't like it, sir?" He asked, petrified. I give him a straight face. Does he really believe I would like this shit?

Getting the clue he instantly asserts, “I will bring a new set, for you sir."

“No need. You can leave." I mutter, vexed by his collection of rings. If these are his best, I don't think he can bring any better.

“But sir, Senior Rodriguez has ordered me to have you finalised the ring by toda…." 

I glare at him and that shuts him off. He steps forward and starts collecting his ring.

Now dad is urging for a ring. Has his anger come down? Yesterday night he was throwing tantrums about how I am going against my grandfather's promise.

I know if grandfather was alive today he would agree with this, since I am his one and only grandson. Besides, grandfather wanted an alliance with his best friend's family and Roxanne is their daughter.

At first I agreed for this marriage, since Emily was a girl whom I knew since I was 10. Spending life with her would be less hassle. That was the main reason I made her my girlfriend. And her being model-like, courteous, polite and obedient were cherries on top. She even knows how to carry herself in public places.

I never loved her or liked her. She was just one of the people whom I can bear in my life. And she knew that as I never hid that.

The day I saw Roxanne, on the bed, where I had fucked Emily innumerable times, with messy hair under the lamp light, everything stilled for me.

My attention was only on her, on her plump lips, her slender neck, the loose t-shirt of which one side was hanging low, giving a view of her pale and slender shoulder and collarbone, her bare legs, which were tangled up with the quilt, she looked like an innocent seductress.

And when she removed her hand from her eyes, I was gobsmacked. 

Those brown eyes were glowing like amber. Her big lashes were creating a shadow on her cheeks. And when she passed by me, my heart thudded loudly.

“Who was she?" I had asked Emily, unknowingly.

“My sister Roxanne." At that time I was attracted to her. The thought of marriage never crossed my mind. I just wanted to know her.

I never found the interest to know about Emily's little sister. I had seen her once when she was 7 or 8 years old. At that time she looked like a girl with tantrums.

And the next day I removed some time from my packed schedule and went to her college. I had gotten all her information. 

That day I came to know that she was a total opposite of her sister. Her outfit was what Emily would never wear. She behaved completely opposite to how Emily behaves. 

Her few behaviours made me angry and I worded it out but she dismissed my words like they were nothing. 

Like others, she didn't try to impress me. On the contrary, from her expressions it looked like she didn't like me.

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