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Rebecca's pov: 

we arrived at the psych ward and when i say its big, its massively big, the psych ward looks so calming and a very good environment for people who needs help for their mental health. 

" so this is our psychiatric ward." Sir Phum smiled and all the nurses present were gawking at me and greeting me, i smiled at them getting shy at their reaction over me. 

" looks like the nurses here really know you." sir phum chuckled and i chuckle in embarrassment. 

" i-its really overwhelming sir, knowing im not the only one psychiatrist whos great at this field but they chose to idolize me...its heartwarming and it makes me happy that they appreciate me in this field." i said to him truthfully and he laugh lightly.

" they chose a very good role model in psychiatry." he said smiling and i blush slightly. 

" okay , so this is where you will be most of the time since i am giving you the position as the chief of psychiatry." my eyes widened at the mention of the title. 

" i-i cant possibly be the chief of psychiatry sir! i just came in! a-and you might have another chief he or she might not like being replaced." i said as  i got nervous and he shook his head. 

" no one really took the position for it, they said they do not fit the position thats why we were desperately trying to hire you. you being the chief of psychiatry makes it more easier in here considering the nurses know you it will be easy for you to navigate around the ward with their help." sir phum said stopping by the reception area and i look at him gratefull.

" thank you so much sir, i will not let you down! i will be in my 100% everyday as i work here." i smiled widely and he held my hands thanking me.

" WE thank you for picking our institute Ms. Rebecca so welcome to our humble abode!" he said smiling and i chuckle at his energy. 

" oh and before we leave, i wanted to open something to you about a patient coming in tomorrow or the next day." sir phum said handing me a file of a patient and i opened it.

i read the name and i was quite surprised, " Samanun Anuntrakul? an anuntrakul? arent they the royal blood in thailand?" i asked him seriously and he nodded. 

" yes ma'am, her grandmother is a good friend of mine and she wants her granddaughter be admitted to our institute. " he said as we got in the elevator i read her diagnosis. 

" she has severe depression, anxiety disorder and PTSD? who diagnosed this if i may ask?" the elevator ding and we headed straight for his office and he offered me to sit down. 

" they visited a psychiatrist not long ago to see why was her behavior so irrational and not in her character. Grandmother told me that Lady Sam witnessed the murder of her mother and father which explains the diagnosis but something tells me theres more cause everytime a man or woman frankly tries to touch her she flinches, i might not be a psychiatrist but it shows that its a sign of someone being abused, this is where you come in." 

he said to me as i read thoroughly at the file and i look at him seriously.

" i want you handle this case personally, as i gave my word to grandmother that i have the best psychiatrist that can handle this case, my question is can i trust you with that? can i trust you to help her?" he said very seriously and i nodded determine for this task.

" 100% sir, i will help her with everything that i can do for her to be okay again. and i will find out what happened to her aside from the murder she experience. i will do my very best sir. you can count on that." i said seriously and nodded smiling. 

" i will inform grandmother that she can come in anytime to bring her granddaughter so she can meet you, how does that sound to you?" he said standing and i stand up. 

" sounds great sir." he held out his hand for me to shake and i take it smiling.

" once again, thank you for choosing our institute and welcome." i said my thanks before i leave his office and Noi is on my side. 

" here is your personal I.D Ms. Rebecca, this will allow you  to enter the rooms in this institute." she smiled as she hands me the I.D and i take it putting it over my head. 

"thank you Noi, and you have my number yes?" i said to her and she nodded smiling.

" you can contact me anytime even if its after midnight, whether it be work-related or anything basically, youre my assistant but i dont treat as any less. think of it as....friends working together." i said as we get in the elevator and Noi blush slightly.

" y-yes Ms. Rebecca...i cant believe im working with you and were friends..gosh this is exciting!  i-i-im sorry im rambling..." she said getting red and i laugh at her. 

" its okay and since were friends, call me becky." i said smiling widely and she nodded smiling widely and i chuckled at her as we get off the elevator and i already got an uber. 

im gonna get a car after this. uber can get expensive jeez. 

i got in the uber and look at noi, " be safe when you go home noi okay?" i said to her and she nodded.

" you too becky..." i smiled and told the uber to drive to a nearest car dealership. 

i arrive at the car dealership and entered the premises and an attendant came to me smiling, 

" good afternoon! i am jackson and i will be your guide for today." he said smiling and i greeted him back. 

i scanned throughout the cars and i settled for an audi

" i would love to pick this one." i said smiling and he beam a smile.

"an audi, nice choice miss, will you please follow me to sign the papers for the car." 

i nodded and followed him in the office as i scan through my phone for a house to buy, 

and i settled for this one,

its small and great for one to two persons and i click on buy

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its small and great for one to two persons and i click on buy. 

i signed the papers and the clerk handed me the keys as i pay in full for the car. 

i got in my car as i went to the house as the agent is there to give me a tour. 

everything is in place, and im good to go. my official day one of work will be tomorrow and my first case is crucial thats why i will give my very best to help her. 

no matter what.

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