Book 3 - Chapter 28

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Ellie woke up in Fred and George's hazy dormitory late the next morning. George was stumbling around, looking for clothes on the floor that looked very much like the floor of Ellie's dorm when he rammed into his trunk, stubbed his toe, and swore loudly, causing Ellie's eyes to blink open; they were dry and crusty from her contacts. Ellie's head was still on Fred's chest, rising and falling gently with his breath as Fred stirred, groaning a little at his twin.

"Sorry," George whispered, holding his foot in his hand, jumping up and down.

"'s okay," Ellie mumbled.

Her head was banging inside her skull. She moved a hand to rub the contacts out of her eyes and the world went blurry in the warm sunlight bathed room. She remembered the night previously perfectly clearly until Cedric Diggory joined her in celebration - after that, it was all a little fuzzy. Ellie lifted her head up.

Fred moved in his sleep and pressed Ellie's head back down onto his chest.

"Stay here," he mumbled. A smile crept over Ellie's lips.

"Freddie," she whispered. "I have to pee."

"Mmm. No you don't," Fred hummed. He tightened his grip around Ellie's torso, arms wrapped around her entire body, holding her still, legs tangled together at the bottom of the bed.

"I do." Ellie pried Fred's fingers off her arms and got to her feet, stumbling a little as she hit the ground.

"Don't leave," Fred said quietly, eyes till closed.

"I'm not going to leave," Ellie said back, voice gentle. She leaned down before getting out of the bed and placed a light kiss on Fred's forehead.

"Ever. Please."

"Ever. I promise."


"See - I told you it was a good idea. George keeps trying to steal your shirts though. I had to fight him for one the other day."

Ellie had just swung the bathroom door open and immediately Fred was on the other side, leaning up against the door frame, eyes tracing Ellie up and down. Ellie walked past him and sat down on his trunk. Before she could move to pick up her shoes, Fred was crouched down in front if her, sliding them onto her feet.

"My hair okay?" Ellie asked, letting Fred do up her laces as she tried to smooth down the fly aways around her face. "My eyes look normal?"

"Hair - gorgeous, as always," Fred said with a grin. He tilted his head before he talked again, looking down at Ellie's feet. "Eyes - well, as long as you don't make direct eye contact with anyone, you should be fine. Or just hang around the Hufflepuffs for a bit - then you'll all look the same," said Fred with a light laugh.

"Not funny," Ellie said, talking down to Fred.

"Not funny?" Fred teased back. He finished lacing Ellie's shoes up and slapped the tops of her feet before straightening his legs, body bent at the waist, hands resting on her thighs. "You you know what wasn't funny? Finding out that your dad got hold of that map after I spent the entire night with my hands all over his daughter."

Ellie raised her eyebrows a little as her face went pink to match her eyes. She vaguely remembered telling Fred about the Marauder's Map - but the thought of her dad watching her on it all night, like she knew he had, re-entered her mind. Fred's thin lined smile turned into a cheeky grin after a second.

"Not that I wouldn't do it again, but. . ."

Ellie kicked her leg lightly with a scoff, tapping Fred on the shin with her foot. Fred smiled harder and straightened his back, crossing his arms over his chest.

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