Book 2 - Chapter 7

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"I'm pretty sure if you cracked his head open, you'd find nothing inside except maybe another portrait of himself." 

Ellie scribbled onto a spare piece of parchment that she had shoved into her pocket before heading off for breakfast. She seized the owl that had delivered a letter from Nevilles nan, tied her scrap onto its leg, and sent it off to her father. She slid Hermione's quill back across the table. 

All four second-years at the table, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Ellie, were quite glad to reach the weekend of their first week back. It was the first time all week they had a moment of silence, seeing as Harry was off to an early morning Quidditch practice, and everywhere Harry went, Colin Creevey followed, his camera clicking and snapping. It also meant respite from Ron's malfunctioning wand, that was constantly exploding and shooting across the room out of his hand during lessons. 

"You will go down and watch Harry's practise with us, won't you?" Hermione questioned. Ellie had just sent off the owl and was getting her toast monstrosity around as Hermione and Ron were slathering up multiple pieces of their own with marmalade. 

"Why would I ever do that?" Ellie's voice was blank, focused on breakfast. It was quite early still, and a Saturday. Her idea of fun wasn't to sit outside and watch Harry Potter fly around on a broomstick looking for a shiny ball. 

"Oh, come on. You didn't go to a single Quidditch match last year. How would you know you don't like it?" Hermione whined. 

Ellie looked up from her plate to her friend, expressionless. 

"The last time I was outside near a broomstick, I almost died." 

"You don't have to touch the broomstick. Just sit in the stands and watch. And it's cloudy outside," Hermione implored as she stood up from the table with Ron. Even Neville was getting up to go and watch. 

"No." Ellie took a bite of her breakfast concoction. 

Hermione huffed and dug her hand into her jacket pocket, searching for something. 

"Fred and George will be there. And," - Hermione pulled a chocolate frog out of her pocket - "you can have this if you come." 

Ellie squinted at the girl before standing from the table and wrapping her sandwich in a napkin. Her sneakers were squeaking as she made way to exit the Great Hall. 

"Come on then, let's go," said Ellie, turning to her friends who were still stood by the table. She held up a hand for Hermione to toss her the chocolate frog. The blue and gold box made a clapping noise against her skin as she caught it mid air. 


"So, if Harry is the Searcher - " 

"Seeker," Ron corrected Ellie. 

"I didn't ask but - If Harry is the Seeker, what do Fred and George play?" Ellie asked as they were crossing the sloping lawns to the Quidditch Field. 

"They're Beaters. They're the one's who carry clubs to beat the Bludgers away from their side." A piece of toast flew out of Ron's mouth during the explanation. 

"Right . . ." Ellie thought there were a few too many balls involved in Quidditch for her, and people were far too offended if you said you weren't interested in the game. The most Ellie had ever been involved in sports was in her backyard, kicking an old leather football around with her father. 

The group reached the stands and began to climb. It was much higher up than Ellie had anticipated but her legs were longer than the other's and she began skipping steps and reached the top first, taking a look out at the Quidditch field for the first time. 

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