Book 3 - Chapter 5

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Ellie was following behind a very large group of Slytherins, up the dungeon steps and into the Entrance Hall on the way to breakfast. Draco Malfoy was heading the group, entertaining Slytherins of almost every year with what seemed to be like a very entertaining story. However, he was the only third-year in the group besides Crabbe, Goyle, and Millicent Bullstrode, who was laughing very loudly over the crowd. The rest of the third-years were at the back, walking with Ellie, trying not to listen to what the blond was saying.

As soon as they entered the Great Hall, the group was flagged down by a Slytherin Prefect who was handing out course schedules. Ellie, however, was beckoned to the head table lined with Professors by Snape, who looked deadly serious, like always.

As she passed by Malfoy, he did a ridiculous impression of a swooning fit and there was a roar of laughter.

"Ignore him," said Daphne, pushing Ellie towards the front of the hall. "Just ignore him, it's not worth it. . ."

As soon as Ellie was out of Malfoy's range, he rounded on Harry, shouting across the House tables.

"Hey, Potter!" he shrieked. "Potter! The dementors are coming, Potter! Woooooooooo!" He was wiggling his arms in the air, doing a bad dementor impression. Apparently, he had gotten over whatever he was feeling last night after Ellie tore into him, and was back to being his usual self.

Ellie reached the head table and stepped up onto the little platform that separated the table from the rest of the floor, though her head barely reached up high enough to see over the table. Snape was looking down his hooked nose at her, holding two papers in his hands. He silently handed them over and Ellie took them, awkwardly. She was the only one in the entire hall getting her schedule directly from a teacher.

"Hand delivered. . ." she chuckled quietly, eyes darting from Snape to all the other professors who were watching the interaction with curiosity. Ellie had always felt uncomfortable in large groups of adults. One or two was tolerable, but any more than that and she felt like they were watching her every move, judging her and thinking about her, which she did not like. "How special I must be. . . ha, ha. . . okay, I'm going to go now. . ." Snape didn't look amused, but a few seats down Remus was trying not to crack a smile.

"Miss Dracula," Snape's voice spoke after Ellie stepped down from the platform. She turned to look at the man, shooting him a questioning look. "I will not tolerate tardiness. . ." He dragged out the 's' sound of 'tardiness'.

"Yes. . . s . . . sir," Ellie responded, dragging out the 's' at the end of 'yes' and the beginning of 'sir.' Ellie heard her father snort into his tea as she turned again to leave.


"Dracula!" Ron cried out as Ellie neared the Gryffindor table for breakfast. "I'b go' a seat for you, righ' 'ere!" Ron's mouth was full of food and he was patting an empty seat on the bench next to him.

Ellie stood staring at the ginger suspiciously. In the entire two years her and Ron had known each other, Ellie had never once willing sat next to Ronald Weasley, and he had never willingly sat next to her, let alone save her a seat a the breakfast table.


From behind her, Fred and George appeared, clapping her on the back and shoving her down into the seat next to their brother.

"Ron wouldn't shut up about you all night last night," said Fred, falling into the seat next to Ellie.

"We had to watch his re-enactment of you pummeling Malfoy at least ten times last night in the common room," said George, dropping into the seat next to his twin.

"Yeah, and by the tenth time, the story was so far gone, he'd had everyone convinced that the pair of you had pinned Malfoy to the ground and had him crying and screaming for forgiveness," said Fred.

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