Book 3 - Chapter 9

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I've missed you! I've missed Ellie! Ellie has missed you!

I hope everyone has had a good start to their new year and a happy holiday season. We are ringing in the new year with Book 3 - Chapter 9, and Ellie, per usual, cannot escape the constant torture that is her life (poor dear). Though, life has some ups! (cue my aggressive, suggestive eyebrow wiggle)

So many new people and returning readers have binged my endless chapters of this story over my little break, so I want to say hello to everyone new, (hello!) and it's good to see everyone else again. Thank you all for reading and keeping up with me! Thank You to everyone who checked in with me over the break! Thank you to everyone who regularly comments and votes! (yes, I see you and recognize your name when it pops up on my phone) And SPECIAL THANKS to @amanitamuscaria00 for sending me some ELLIE FANART! (seriously was the best thing about my holiday break, and I will cherish it forever- that being said, if anyone has Make Me. or Ellie fanart, or wants to draw some and isn't sure if I'd like it or be okay with it  -I WOULD LIKE IT AND AM MORE THAN OKAY WITH IT - you can find me, message me, tag me, annoy me, whatever you want, on tumblr)

Also, side note, I usually write the chapters directly into the Wattpad editor, but this time I used a different application, SO, lmk if it looks weird or different or anything - I can't tell lol.


~ Erin ;)


Ellie's feet seemed to drag down the stone corridors, her scuffing footsteps echoing painfully loud off the stone walls of the dungeons. How naive she had been to think Snape was going to be reasonable in the length of their new lessons, letting her return to the Slytherin Common Room at a decent time that Friday evening to enjoy the night. There wasn't a soul to be found in the corridors besides her own, which she felt was slowly leaving her own body with every step she took.

Ellie's eyes were practically melting off her face, dripping with the dark gray color that she had made the familiar association with sleep deprivation over the last six months. Her watch was ticking away the seconds on her wrist and when she finally had creaked open the door to her dormitory, it read exactly twelve thirty-three a.m.

Usually, half-past midnight was a normal time for Ellie to be awake. Even with the start of her third-year in full swing, she didn't dream of going to bed that early, but today wasn't a usual day. Ellie was already half-asleep when she threw her red-stained button-up shirt on the ground next to her trunk, kicked her sneakers off by the side of her bed, and collapsed into a dreamless slumber.


"We shouldn't wake her. . ."

"But, she was supposed to have breakfast with her dad, remember. . ?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't sleep, like, ever -"

Ellie's eyes reluctantly opened, breaking a seal of crusty goop that had accumulated in their corners. The room was blurry and dim, and filled with muffled whispers that were loud enough to wake the light sleeper that Ellie had become. She reached a hand up and out of her warm blankets, wiping and rubbing her eyes too hard for their own good. A gravely sigh escaped her throat. Her hand fell back down to the bed as her eyes opened properly.

The morning sunlight was shining through the water filled window in the girl's dormitory, sending a shimmery green sort of light to bathe the room that Ellie was always quite fond of. The water always assured the direct sunlight never assaulted her first thing in the morning. Though today, something was different about the light.

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