A Happy New Year Mr. Barnes - Part 3

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Bucky A/U - CEO Bucky

Summary: You're finally dating Mr. Barnes and you make your relationship official at the New Years Eve Party.

Content warnings: Language, Fluff, the evil John Walker makes an appearance (hehe), New Years Party with drinking

After spending Christmas day and evening with James' family, he drove you back to your apartment. James stayed and watched some Christmas movies with you, ate some leftovers Winnie sent you home with, while snuggling on your couch, kissing each other. 

Sure, you didn't spend any time with your family, but you felt like you gained one in the way you felt when you were at James' parents house. 

Rebecca was excited you were together, and his parents seemed happy for the both of you, even earning a "Finally!" from them which made you laugh.

"I gotta go sweetheart". 

James buried his face in your neck and was giving you sloppy kisses that felt heavenly. 

"Ok" you giggled out. 

"Thanks for spending the day with me, and thanks again for the Christmas gift" he said while getting up from the couch. 

You blushed a little. 

"I wasn't sure if you'd like it" you admitted, and he frowned at you. 

"Of course, I like it. I like it because I knew you made everything in that box which means more to me than anything you can buy in a store or online" he said as he came up to you and kissed you hard. 

"See you tomorrow?" he asked, and you smiled, still getting used to this new dynamic between the two of you. 

"Of course," 

"Night" he said as he left your apartment. 

You locked up and couldn't wipe the smile from your face as you got into your bed and snuggled down into the blankets.

The following day, there were only a handful of people at the office since most took time off to spend with their families. You were there bright and early when you saw James walk in. He said good morning to you, and he walked into his office, taking off his coat. You smiled at him, and he smiled back at you. 

You both were acting like lovesick teenagers as you snapped out of it when you received a phone call you had to answer. You slotted in a meeting to the schedule and ended the call as James came out of his office and stood next to you. No one was around so he leaned down and gave you a soft kiss. 

"There" he said then walked back into his office. 

"What was that for?" you asked, and he smirked at you. 

"Couldn't concentrate without doing that first" he said, and you blushed. 

"Oh" then you went back to your computer with a dopey smile on your face.

James came out of his office with his coat on then he frowned. 

"You're not ready?" he asked, and you looked at him funny. 

"For what?" 

"We're going shopping, remember?"

You looked at the schedule and time. 

"Not until 2pm?" 

"Well, I'd like to take you out for lunch first".

You got up from your desk and grabbed your tablet. 

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