Charity Auction

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Avengers Bucky

Summary: The men of the Avengers are up for a charity auction and your best friend gets you a ticket to it, but who's the highest bidder for Bucky?

Content Warnings: Language, Bucky is up for auction at a charity event (it's consensual people), grumpy Bucky, fluff

"Bachelor Charity Auction? What the hell is this?" you side eyed your roommate who giggled and plopped herself down next to you on your couch. 

"What? I got us tickets" she shrugged. 

You groaned. 

"Nina..." you said looking at the flyer she was holding. 

You put your knitting down and glared at her. 

"Come on! It'll be fun" she whined. 

"I don't know..." 

You eyed the paper. 

"He'll be there" she said, and you instantly perked up a little.


"You heard me. He'll. Be. There. Look, the Avengers are part of the auction" she smirked and pointed at the paper. 

"Dammit" you mumbled while looking at the flyer again.

 Low and behold, James Barnes' name was listed below Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson's as 'available Bachelors' to bid on.

You were a barista at Nina's coffee shop – head barista for what it's worth and he always comes into the coffee shop. 

Bucky Barnes. 

You knew who he was. Sometimes he would be with his best friend Steve or even Sam, but he mainly came alone with a book. He would walk in, survey his surroundings, then head to the counter to place his order. 

His order was always the same. A tall basic black coffee. Nothing else. Sometimes you tried getting him to add a snack like a muffin or bagel, but he would always smile politely and decline, then pay for his coffee, head to an empty table, flip open his latest book, and read for hours. 

The first time he walked in, you froze like an idiot as you just stared at him like a weirdo while Nina pitched in and served him. She turned to you after serving him and nudged your shoulder, snapping you out of your daze. 

"Shut up" you mumbled

 She giggled when you walked by her to the back room to compose yourself. There was no way in hell a man like Bucky Barnes would be interested in you.

"Nina, this is all fun and everything, but look at the entrance fee" 

You pointed to the flyer. 

It was $100 per person to go, and you weren't exactly rolling in extra money due to your current situation. 

Your idiot ex of a year cheated on you and kicked you out of the apartment, not before emptying your joint account, leaving you with $5 and no place to live. Luckily, you had a secret account he didn't know about, but it wasn't as large as what your main one was. You liked the idea of having a joint account as it made it easier to pay rent and bills with it; you just hated you were taken advantage of by an asshole. 

Nina luckily had a job open at her cafe she offered to you, and you snapped it up seeing as how your former co-worker at the office you were an admin assistant with was now with your ex. Whore. 

Nina also offered you her small den to live in until you could get back on your feet. You had almost saved up enough for a place of your own and this kind of an event was an extravagant spend for you.

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