Farmers Market Meetup

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Bucky A/U - Chef Bucky

Summary: You have a produce stand at the local market and a certain dark haired/blue eyed chef needs a new produce supplier.

Content Warning: Language, fluff

"Morning Tom!" 

You lugged some of your crates to your tables so set them on display. 

"Morning Y/n!" the older man called from his chair. 

You had been selling your produce at the farmers market for the past few months. Your greenhouse was taking off and you were lucky to find a market that had available space in it. You were surrounded by lots of people like you who either grew their own goods or made them by hand and you loved it. 

Your greenhouse business, Smarty Plants, was your baby, and it was gaining visibility and customers from your online ordering system, but you still missed the face-to-face sales with your customers, so you wanted to find a good market to set up in, which you did. This was your second month at the market, and you were loving it.

"What do you have today?" asked Tom. 

He was making his way out of his chair to peek at your table. Tom was the vendor next to you, and he sold honey. Liquid honey in all different kinds of flavours, beeswax candles, and his wife even was getting into handmade lotions, soaps, and balms. 

"Lots of lettuce, greens, carrots, and potatoes" you said unpacking more of your crates. 

"Fruit should be next week" 

You thought of the berries that were almost ripe. 

"Well, it all looks amazing" 

Tom looked over your goods.

"Good luck today!" he waved, then he went back to re-organizing some of his jars and tubs while you placed signage and pricing out in front of your produce. 

"You too Tom!" 

People started making their way into the market and throughout the stalls to look and shop.

Bucky was up early and made his way to the farmer's market. He usually frequented a different one, but his main produce person there was raising their prices and the quality of their items were lacking. He didn't mind paying a little more for his specialty produce, but the quality wasn't what it should be, so he was on the lookout for a new produce contact. 

Bucky was head chef at Iron Works, Tony Stark's newest restaurant in his food empire. Of course, Bucky received produce with his main meat and seafood deliveries, but sometimes, when he made special seasonal dishes, he needed certain ingredients for, he preferred to hand pick them himself. 

His Sous Chef Steve told him about this market the other week when Bucky was complaining to him about his produce contact. 

"Just go to it Buck. There must be someone there who you can work with" he said to his friend and head chef. 

"I know it's smaller than the one you usually go to, but you never know what you'll find" 

"Fine, but there better be someone there I can work with" he muttered before he left for the night.

Bucky arrived at the market bright and early. He wandered throughout the stalls and took in the different kinds of goods this market had compared to the other one and he was pleasantly surprised. 

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