019 Recalling And Remembering

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Nineteen, Recalling and Remembering.

     Beams of uncomfortable sunlight beat down on the prison, making Adeline sweat and become slightly agitated as she stood at the edge of the newly constructed piglet pen

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     Beams of uncomfortable sunlight beat down on the prison, making Adeline sweat and become slightly agitated as she stood at the edge of the newly constructed piglet pen. Rick and Carl were inside, tending to the pigs, more specifically the sick one, 'Violet'— ascribed by Carl.

Lola was crouched in the corner, shovelling all sorts of vegetables— grown by her grandfather and the new farmer Rick— into the makeshift bucket.

Judith was resting comfortably in Adeline's arms, the young girl babbling and cooing as her big brown eyes scanned the prison, mesmerised by the unfamiliar environment.

"Feel better," Rick spoke, standing to his full height from his previous crouched position, "Violet." He reluctantly added on the name he wasn't exactly fond of. The man patted his son's shoulder, a warm smile on his face, finally happy for the first time in months.

Adeline was glad, she knew that was exactly what he deserved, to be happy and content, surrounded by his family. She was glad that his smile was finally real and filled with actual joy and warmth.

The harsh whistle snapped all their attention to the reconstructed gate, Michonne coming into view on one of the horses they had luckily found.

Rick patted Carl's back and the two of them stalked over to open the gates for the woman, Adeline nodded Lola over and swiftly passed little Judith to Beth in passing, also making her way over to the woman and the horse.

Michonne rode in, stopping the horse halfway up the gravel path to hop off.

Adeline immediately pulled the woman into a hug, her hands running soothingly up the woman's arms as she pulled away, "Glad you're safe." She whispered, thankful the woman had come home in one piece.

Michonne embraced the hug, pulling away momentarily to pull two items out of her saddle, she kindly gifted both Carl and Lola with the stack of comics she had scavenged and the two rushed off in excitement, gushing over who got which first. Then the woman turned to Rick who stood behind Adeline, "I found this," She smirked, handing him an electronic razor, "Your face is losing the war."

Rick scoffed, but before he could open his mouth to see him the rumble of an engine cut him off, and Daryl, on his motorcycle, stopped beside Michonne, a look on his face that both Adeline and Michonne knew all too well.

Daryl didn't even have to ask the question before Michonne replied, "Didn't find him."

Adeline felt the hair on the back of her neck rise, anytime he was mentioned, she felt sick. She hated knowing Michonne was out there searching for the cruel man, but she also liked that there was a chance she would find him and would be able to kill him, even if that made her somewhat sinister.

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