022 What You See

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                  Twenty-two, What You See.

                  Twenty-two, What You See

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      The katana embedded itself in the right side of Hershel's neck, blood spurting out and splattering onto the left side of Adeline's face.

"No! No!" She sobbed, tears spewing down her face as she watched blood completely coat the man's shirt and the colour drain from his skin. "Hershel!"

Gunfire and shouts fill the air, Adeline's eyes widened in shock at the sight of her father-in-law's head halfway hanging off his body, and then her head swivels in the direction of her family behind the gated fence, realising both her daughter and sisters-in-law had just witnessed the man who loved them so dearly be subjected to such a cruel death— decapitation.

Bullets whizzed through the air, startling them all, Adeline didn't her best to get herself to safety and shield herself, but with bound hands, it proved incredibly hard.

Michonne, who was also tied, motioned Adeline over, the two working together to rid themselves of the tight rope. Adeline's sobs increased and she struggled to maintain composure when she crouched down, seeing Hershel attempt to flee Philip, but the blade came down a second time and then a third, his head completely served from his body.

Once she concluded it was safe to go over to Hershel, she did, kneeling beside his head and sobbing at the sight.

She quickly made her way up the small hill, easily trekking through now that the tank Philip brought had ploughed down the fences. In search of Lola, rushing through the sea of walkers and the smoke that now filled the prison, the drizzle of hot raindrops smearing the blood on her face.

      Adeline could see the governor and Rick fighting, he had the ex-cop pinned beneath him, beating him to a pulp and choking him to death. She wouldn't allow another one of her family members to be subjected to a cruel death at his hands again, using the element of surprise to her advantage, she kicks him in the rib with her boot, causing him to roll off of Rick and hit the muddy ground, letting out a pained groan.

It takes Rick a moment to recollect himself and allow oxygen into his lungs again.

Philip attempts to get up, but Adeline's boot against his side knocks him down again, and then the sole of her boot meets his chin, knocking his face back as the man grunts in discomfort.

Seeing him reach for his gun, Ricks is on top of him in one swift moment, punching him repeatedly although his vision is clouded by the blood and his head is spinning with the intensity of Philip's punches.

Lamb To The Slaughter, Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now