008 Seed

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Eight, Seed.

        It had been eight months since the farm

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      It had been eight months since the farm. Everyone had changed and adapted to their new norm. Lori was almost full term, Hershel was. . . dishevelled, most of them were, but the eldest man had changed the most physically, a permanent frown sewn onto his face, his snow-white hair was much longer just like his beard and he looked severely drained. They were all covered in all sorts of grime and mud and blood and dirt, the only time they got to wash was when they found creaks or streams and even then they weren't sure whether they were making themselves worse or not, just scrubbing away filth with more filth. They all shared the same expression, exhaustion and anguish. The group was tired.

It was only getting harder. Winter was approaching, Lori was close to giving birth and food was becoming increasingly harder to find. Ammo was scarce and hard to come across these days. They had all quickly adapted to knives and machetes— having many walkers to practice on.

      Adeline wasn't quite there yet, sure she knew she could use a weapon, but she couldn't protect herself. She'd get nervous and clam up, someone else always having to step in and help. She'd come close to death far too many times now, she was lucky Rick was always there to save her. Her aim was getting better, as was Lola's. If she focused enough, she could nail a walker in the head, but she was rarely ever focused or in the right headset.

      Mikael had become. . . angrier. He got irked at the slightest thing— they couldn't exactly blame him, running of low food and water, no energy due to lack of sleep. But he had become angrier at Adeline, at her stupidity when it came to life or death. She was dopey, he thought. She'd never be able to protect herself or their child.

      Lola was tougher, she was often attached to her mother or father's side, afraid of everything, like the rustling of leaves or random gusts of wind. But she was much more docile when it came to following orders, she didn't shed as many tears as should would've had they been back at the farm.

      Adeline still grieved Jennifer. Every day she thought about her sister, and what she would do if she were here, what she would say, how she would act. That's why she kept on, she had to stay alive for Jen.

      Rick had become colder as his wife's pregnancy progressed. He couldn't even bring himself to look at her anymore. He still did everything for her, like scavenging food and finding shelter, just like he did for the rest of the group because he was a good man. One to honour. They could all tell his wife's infidelity had made him a little crueler but who could blame him, watching his wife carry his best friend's baby around? And no doubt killing his best friend has also changed his attitude.

      They'd go from place to place, shop to shop, house to house, storage container to warehouse, and it was only becoming increasingly harder and exhausting, especially for Lori who was very close to giving birth. Adeline did what she could to help the woman out, always giving part of her portions to her and using what little knowledge she had on pregnancy. Hershel had gone over the steps on how Lori would give birth, both caesarean and natural. Adeline knew the basic steps which helped, the older man had also gone over it with Carol, just in case.

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