001 Bloodletting

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One, Bloodletting.


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      Weak. Weak was a word you could use to describe Adeline Cross. Weak and vulnerable. Weak and impotent. Weak and helpless. Weak and broken.

      Adeline was like a lamb. Naive and . . . a little mindless? No doubt she lacked some worldly wisdom and a bit of common sense. The woman was always more susceptible to the jokes her siblings made— despite being the oldest of the clan.

She wasn't completely stupid, that is. She did have more working brain cells than not. She knew when a situation was life or death.

      God, how Mikael was enamoured by her. She was so easy. He could manipulate and bend the woman every which way. The beauty of the girl, in spite of her lack of intelligence, only made him crave her more. He could twist and shape the woman how she wanted. Because once he had her, he'd never let her go. Addy was perfect, and she was his.

      Regardless of her innocent nature, she was the epitome of an ideal wife. She cooked, cleaned, and cared for on top of her duty as a nurse. Adeline gave Mikael a purpose. He was a husband, father, homeowner, and businessman. Addy had carried his child, filled his house with warmth and love, and supported his ridiculous and improbable ideas yet did it all with a smile. A peck on the cheek paired with an 'I believe in you', 'you can do this'.

      Adeline was lucky that when the world went to shit she was with her husband. She was lucky he had his eyes open and fought off the two creatures an inch away from taking a bite out of her, turning her into one of those. That was the night she realised it was over.

It was her husband who packed up the car, whisked their daughter into his arms and placed her in the backseat. It was Mikael who drove them to the infamous Greene farm. Addy just stared— idly, like she wasn't in control of her body anymore, she was just watching from behind her eyes. She stood there like an idiot and stared at the deceased bodies on the ground her husband had not so innocently bashed in the head with a frying pan. Addy didn't offer any comfort to her sobbing and confused daughter until they arrived at the farm— too caught up in her own mind to take care of her hysterical child. Selfish, she thought.

When she finally came to her senses, she climbed into the backseat of the car and pulled her little girl into her arms. Whispering that it would all be alright despite the voice in her head screaming that it would in fact not be alright.

When Addy insisted that her husband drive to her sister's house and pick her up, Mikael of course complied, sharing just as much love for his sister-in-law as his wife. The family of four arrived at the farm desolate and scared.

Hershel Greene was happy to welcome his son back home. Glad that they could all be in the comfort of family as the world came to an end— even if the man didn't believe the world was at an end. He was happy to welcome his granddaughter into the farm she spent so many previous nights at. He was happy to welcome the woman he saw as a daughter into the slightly cramped house. He wasn't as happy to welcome his daughter-in-law's sister inside. He didn't know her all that well, but Adeline and Mikael insisted and he couldn't exactly turn them all away.

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