“Happy Birthday Ana, it's your 22nd birthday and I am glad to be with you on your special day. I know initially we weren't on good terms. I am aware of all the pain you have gone through because of me but I promise I won't let you get hurt in future by my words and actions. So on this special day of yours, would you like to join me on our date to fair? ” He asked, offering his hand, waiting for my yes. 

“Date? ”  

“Yes with you Ms. Anaya Mehra ” He smiled, while his eyes looked down at his hand. 

“ofcourse Mr. Vihaan Raichand ” I replied,holding his hand for a second. 


Waiting near the hostel gate, the phone screen informed me time as it is already quarter past four.  

I dialled his number to find out whether he is on the way or still getting ready at home as he decided he will be the one to pick me up from the hostel for our date. 

“Hello” I said, after he answered my call. 

"Hi, just two minutes ” and he cut the call after informing me hurriedly. 

Two minutes for what ?For leaving his house or to reach my hostel. His vague reply resulted in confusion so I decided to call him again but I stopped hearing the honk of the cab. 

“Ana” I heard his voice, getting outside of the car. 

“Hello Vihaan Raichand ”I sang and walked towards him, keeping my phone in my sling bag.

"Please have a seat” He  opened the gate while his hand asked  me to get inside. 

I nodded and thanked him after sitting  and he closed the door after settling on my left side. 

“Do you have any idea how I managed to escape from the sight of khushi? ” I exclaimed, inhaling a deep breath and relaxing my back on the car seat. 

“Is khushi your roommate or warden? ” He joked, holding my hand. 

“ A good friend but I really want to tell Geet and Khushi about us. '' I answered , interlocking our fingers with each other.

"I didn't stop you either. You can tell them ”

“Hmm but why don't you want your best friends to know about us? ” I questioned, continuously looking at him to know his exact reason . 

“I know they are my best friends but I believe in keeping it private until it is permanent but I can't hide it from my parents so I informed them. ” He answered, touching my nose with his index finger of left hand. 

I nodded and peeked out of the window on my side to notice the city of Indore which has definitely changed my life since one year. I wished mumma was with us, I would have shared about Vihaan with her and she would have been happy to see us together. 

The cars and bikes moved past of us, while some joined us by following the same speed to give us company. And suddenly a thought made me skip a beat  - what will be papa's reaction? Will he accept Vihaan? I know he had a love marriage with mumma but he doesn't believe in love anymore after mumma's sudden demise. 

“Ana, are you fine? ” He asked, gripping my hand and  I decided to tell him what's bothering me. 

“What if papa didn't accept us? " My thoughts turned into words but his face reflected a smile instead of  worrying. 

“If he doesn't,I will make sure to turn his no to yes. And don't worry my parents are with us ” The words filled with assurance from his side calmed  my inner tornado of chaos and we realized we had reached our destination - the fair. 

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