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"I like it when you smile
but love it when I'm the reason"

Anaya's POV

Our even semesters are approaching soon but before that our schedule for pre semester has been announced. It will begin next week.

It has been nine months since college started and I can take pride in saying I completed an odd semester successfully without any backlogs.

"Ana, if you don't mind, can you please teach me about that financial management unit ? You know very well I hadn't attended the lectures as I was on leave during that period " He requested sitting on the chair placed next to me.

I nodded and smiled. He went to Jaipur to attend his cousin's wedding so it's understandable his concepts aren't clear.

"So after college at my place? " He asked, placing his books on the desk.

"Vihaan, I know what you will do. We will reach your place , you will cook something for us after that a mandatory call to your parents. " I mentioned the fixed schedule which has been followed whenever I visited his home.

"Because you know how much I love cooking."He replied and raised from his bench.

"Where are you going? " I questioned him ,placing my book in my bag.

"I need to borrow some books " He replied and I stopped him.

"Wait, let me join you " I followed him and we left the classroom as our lectures were almost completed.

I tried walking faster but his steps were speedy enough making it difficult for me to catch his pace.

"Vihaan, can't you walk slower?" I asked in a high pitch only to make everyone in the corridor heard, including him.

He stopped and turned to look at me. I heard my phone ringing in my hand and turned to check who was calling me.

Geet. It's my best friend.

I answered while his eyes asked who it was.

"Ha Geet " I said hurriedly and he understood it's her.

"Anaya, it has been more than a week since you called me " She complained on the other side of the call.

"You had your internals so I thought I shouldn't disturb you " I spoke while he walked beside me.

"Won't you take at least 10 minutes of your day to even make a call? Well, I have seen your pictures with Vihaan "

Will she ask about what is between us? Wait, Anaya, you aren't in a relationship.

"What happened? Why did you stop walking? " He asked, walking back towards my direction.

"Anaya, Vihaan is with you? I heard him speaking . Are you guys dating? "She screamed at the same time while trying to clear the doubts.

"We are classmates. I told you already. You should eat almonds. " I tried answering and he glared at me as he wasn't aware of what we were talking about.

"Fine. I will call you once I get back home. Bye Come soon to Hyderabad "

"Yeah. Bye. Take care and I am coming next month " And I hung up the call.

"What you were talking about for which you were made to answer we are classmates? " He questioned and we continued walking in order to reach the library.

"Nothing. Your sister had a doubt that we are dating? I said we are classmates " I answered casually opening the library door.

We registered our fingerprints one by one to mark our entry and kept our bags on the chair.

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