Start from the beginning

I don't know why everyone is looking at me like what I did was so horrific. The motherfucker survived, unfortunately.

"Oh great, you are here." Pearl acknowledged a black woman with a short hair cut entering the room.

"And who the fuck is this bald head bitch?" I questioned her. I was guarded.

"My name is Marie Martin." She responded to me.

I've never seen this woman a day of my life. Who is she?

"And what the fuck this bitch talking to me for?" I was seething. I just want my baby and these people don't have to worry about seeing me ever again.

"I was hired by your family." Marie said in a calm tone.

"These people are NOT my family!" I screamed, focusing my eyes on Josh. A man I used to think to have so much honor.

He knew of Theo's affair. They all knew. I have never felt so betrayed in my life.

"She is a therapist. I hired her because what you did to Theo—"

"What about what he did to me?" I cut Josh off from talking his utter bullshit.

"Stassie, you could have killed him. You are lucky Theo did not go to the police." He sighed. "You are a reckless. Marie is a therapist. She specializes in anger management. I'm sorry to do this but until you can make some progress in regulating your anger we are keeping Max away from you."

I felt my breathing begin to get heavy. There is no way this could be happening.

"I hate you all so god damn much. I swear to god, I'm going to make you pay." Tears trickled down my cheeks.

They didn't care how much I needed to see my son. They didn't care that I was heart broken. All they care is that I lost my temper and nearly killed the person they care about more.

"Stassie, all you have to do is take some anger management classes." Josh spoke up.

I swallowed hard as I composed myself. For the past three years I've bit my tongue. I know so much, and I'm no longer going to hold it in.

"You are probably the most pathetic man I've ever met in my life. Over the years I tried to make sense of it. Then one day it hit me. It was so obvious." I cracked a cynical smile. I was about to cut this man down with my words but he asked for it.

"Stassie, you are hurting right now." Josh said with a heavy sigh.

"What do you know about hurt? Did it hurt you when Theo was fucking your first wife every fucking night all under your roof. Does it hurt you that you are a shitty father who does not know how to handle his bad ass kids."

The "shitty father" comment got a rise out of him. I had him just where I wanted him.

"You let Theo get away with everything. He's slept with your wife, he's talked down to you and he's been stealing money from you for years." I revealed.

It was so obvious. All of Theo's business ventures has failed in hellfire. He's been taking money out of Josh's bank account this entire time.

"Stassie, enough." Josh said angrily.

I hit a nerve with him but I was only getting started.

"I understand you are angry and lashing out but you have to understand that I'm just trying to help you." Pearl snapped at me with an aggressive tone.

I've had about enough of her.

"I don't need your help. I don't need anything from you people. Just give me back my baby. He's mine."

"No." Josh said in a firm tone.

"You can't just take him from me."

"I can, and I will. I hate to bring this up but I think you forgot who I am. I have access to the most powerful attorneys in the country. You can take me to court but there is not a chance in hell you will win. Now I'm done playing these games. You are going to take these anger management classes or else I will make it my sworn duty that you will never see my nephew again." He said in an intimidating tone I have never heard him speak in.

If Joshua thinks for one second that he suddenly scared me into submission, he has another thing coming. Josh could flaunt his money all he wants. That is not going to work on me. Not when it comes to Max. I'm going to get my son back one way or the other. Unfortunately for Theo and his family, they don't have the slightest clue to just how far I'm willing to go.


Author Note

I really want to know what do you guys think about this. I already have roughly ten chapters of this sequel in my draft. I don't want to disclose too much, but I will reveal there is a new love interest for Stassie. I think he suits her better.

Dangerous is funny but I think the sequel I'm currently working on is even funnier. Stassie is my spirit animal and I could not say goodbye to her.

My question to you all is, how do we feel about this. Am I doing too much? The past couple of months have been so hard for me mentally, every time I work on my other projects I just lose interest except when it comes to any story revolving Stassie.

Thoughts, opinions?

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