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"Congratulations!" Stassie said to Pearl.

"Thank you Stassie." Pearl smiled at Stassie with a radiant smile.

She was the most beautiful bride that she has ever seen. It's been six months since Minka was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. Soon after Josh asked Pearl to marry him. She said yes, and Josh went above and beyond to give Pearl her dream wedding.

Everyone is happy for Josh because although he's hit a few bumps on the road. He finally found the perfect person for him.

Theo stood beside Josh with a large grin on his face. It was a small gathering. Only close friends and family were invited.

Josh and Pearl danced in each other's arms the entire night, and it was a beautiful sight to see.

"Stassie!" Britt called over her favorite person.

They have become close friends. Stassie helped Britt trash her ex-husband's car. Britt has never thrown a brick at something before, but she can remember the liberating feeling as she destroyed the Rolls Royce her ex-husband loved so much. It was a life-altering event, and she will always be grateful to Stassie for it.

"Look at him," Britt said, showing her future daughter-in-law a picture of the pool boy she has been sleeping with the past week.

He's twenty-four and is an aspiring model. He was a black man and had chiseled six-pack abs and a sharp jawline.

"Oooh, Britt. This one is fine!" Stassie giggled carefully analyzing the photo of one of her many boyfriends Britt has accumulated over the past couple of months.

Theo tugged Stassie's arm. He was completely disgusted that the calm and reserved mother he grew up with was gone. She talks differently, and she dresses differently. It infuriates him that the woman he once knew may never come back.

Stassie has been no help in calming his mother down. If anything she has been a horrible influence on his mother. After her divorce was finalized from his father, Britt has been traveling the world sleeping with all sorts of different men, and Stassie has embraced it.

"What are you doing Stassie? I thought we talked about this. Stop talking to my mom about her sex life." Theo shouted. It was taking him everything to not vomit everywhere.

Every day, Theo reflects on the noble, civilized family he used to have. It is no longer that way. It's been months since Theo last talked to his father. What he did was inexcusable, and he is harder on himself than anyone. Josh is open to forgiving his father the same way he forgave Theo, he just needs time.

"Stassie look!" Murphy ran up to Stassie with a sinister smile.

He had a large tarantula in his hand, and he threw it at Stassie.

The twins are still badly behaved children.

"AHHHHHH You mother fuckers!" Stassie screamed at the twins.

Both Charlie and Murphy belt out in laughter. Their favorite thing in the world to do is prank Stassie. They were both terrified when she had quit that they would never see each other again, but Stassie takes it upon herself to visit as often as possible.

Murphy is now in perfect health. He came out of the hospital with some sort of vengeance. The twins have already gone through eight different nannies. Josh had no choice but to enroll them in a boarding school in Paris. They were both expelled within two weeks. They have been home for the past three days.

"Murphy!" Stassie's mother shouted at him.

She is now the new nanny and the twins are terrified of her. For the first time, the boys have met their match.

"Sorry." Murphy quickly said.

Stassie's mom smiled and planted a kiss on top of Murphy's head. Just like Stassie, her mom was able to build a strong bond with the boys only this time they respect her. Whatever she says they obey her.

"What are you laughing at?" Stassie screamed at Theo who was laughing at her reaction to the spider.

"You are so cute." He chuckled, grabbing his hips.

"Get your hands off of me!" Stassie hissed, angrily.

"It's nice to see that you two are still the same," Kameron said approaching them.

"Kameron! What are you doing here?" Theo asked his best friend he has not seen in months.

After his break up with Tessa, Kameron went to Paris and he has not been back until now. He appeared to be in great spirits.

Theo wrapped his arms around his best friend, and a beautiful dark-skinned woman approached them.

"Theo, Stassie, this is my fiance Daya." Kameron introduced the beautiful woman beside him.

"FIANCE!" Theo and Stassie both shouted, stunned.

"It's nice to meet you." She had an accent.

"Daya is from Nigeria. We met at a cafe, and we have been inseparable ever since." Kameron said with a smirk.

"Um... Congratulations." Stassie said.

She could not help but notice her blonde best friend walking in their direction.

This is going to be awkward.

"Hi, Kameron. Long time no see." Tessa approached them.

Her biggest regret was breaking things off with Kameron. He was the best relationship she ever had, and she was waiting for her moment to see him again.

"Tessa. You look great." Kameron smiled.

Stassie grabbed at Theo's arm. It was an uncomfortable situation, but the nosy element of Stassie could not allow her to walk away.

"So, who is this," Tessa said in no way hiding the fierce animosity in her tone.

"This is my fiance," Kameron announced happily.

The way he use to stare at Tessa admiringly cannot compare to the way he was staring at Daya. Kameron was in love, and this time it might be real. Even Theo could not say anything.

"Oh. Hi, I'm Tessa. Kameron and I used to be together." Tessa phrased out in a way to be calculating.

"I know."' Daya smiled. "You are Tessa, the girl who cheated on him with his sister correct?" She said it with an enormous amount of confidence.

Stassie immediately took a liking to her. Although. Tessa is Stassie's best friend she does not stand by what she did.

Tessa's mouth fell open.

Stassie cleared her throat.

"Um... Stassie there is something I want to show you." Theo said before tugging Stassie's arm and leading her away from that dumpster fire that was about to ensue.

"Theo, I want to see what happens next."

"It's none of our business," Theo growled.

"I knew it!" Stassie stomped her foot in aggravation. "You didn't have anything to show me, did you? You just wanted to get me away." Stassie pouted.

"It's none of our business," Theo said once more.

"Ugh, I can't believe you! Why am I with you?" Stassie stomped her foot. She was aggravated that she could not witness the heated showdown with Tessa and Daya.

If Wilfred was in town, he would have been right there and filled her in later, but he is currently in Milan with his boyfriend. He decided to move there a couple of months ago, and he's doing well.

"Because you love me," Theo said, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her closer to him.

He leaned in and kissed her, and Stassie melted in his arms. In the time he has been with Stassie, he's learned her ways and how to calm her down.

"You're annoying," Stassie said when he pulled away from his kiss.

"I know," Theo said before kissing her again.


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