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Kameron and Katherine were standing outside talking when Stassie and I arrived

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Kameron and Katherine were standing outside talking when Stassie and I arrived. My back muscles were sore, and I was exhausted.

Stassie planted a kiss on my lips before she ran in the direction of the house. She waved at Kameron. He nodded his head at her before she turned the knob to the front door. I walked over to Kameron and Katherine. It's been a while since I've been with the two of them together.

"How was your night?" Katherine asked with a playful grin. I could read right through her her perverse demeanor. I was not going to engage in whatever she was trying to uncover.

I dug my hand into my pocket to pull out my carton of cigarettes, and they were gone. There was no doubt in my mind that Stassie snatched them when I was not looking.

I stretched out my arms. The flashback of all the filthy shit I did with her surfaced in my mind. I was not joking when I told Stassie that it was the best sex I have ever had in my life. My mind went into a sex-crazed rampage the very moment I got my hands on her body. I did things with her I have never done with any other woman in my life.

"You are not going to spill any of the details." Katherine urged.

I gulped and stared at Kathrine in her big blue eyes. "That is none of your business," I said to her with a smirk.

"Ugh, you guys are no fun anymore. I'm gone for a couple of months, and the two of you end up in these lovey dovey relationships. Yuck, yuck yuck." Kathrine cringed.

"Maybe that's what you should do. Find a girl to settle down with." Kameron expressed to his sister casually.

I internally laughed. The world would fall off its equator before something like that happened. I always wonder how women so easily gravitate toward Kathrine. She does not have the typical stereotypical lesbian appearance. Katherine is a blonde bombshell that catches the eyes of men and women.

"Settle down?" Katherine gave her brother a look of disgust. "Don't be fucking weird." She said seriously. "Ew." She flung her wrist in the air. "Well, it's been so much fun, but I think it's time for me to go," Katherine announced to the both of us.

"Just stay out of trouble Kat," Kameron said, using his authoritative big brother tone.

Katherine was not phased. Just like that, as quickly as she was here, she was gone. She rolled her eyes, kissed Kameron on the cheek, and got into her car.

Kameron and I walked inside the house a few moments later. Tessa was sitting on the sofa beside Stassie. They were cozied up against each other. I nodded at both of them and headed towards my room. I didn't bring many things. Just a couple of clothes and a shit load of weed and liquor was all I needed.

As I walked towards my room I spotted Wilfred standing beside my door. He seemed to have been waiting for me. I've probably spoken a few sentences to the guy at most. I don't really know him. I just know him as Stassie's best friend she is constantly getting into these heated arguments with. They are like bickering siblings. Yet it's easy to see how much they love each other.

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